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•||A Big, Big Mess||•

||•Alcoholic Manacles•||

He stared at him, hands tightly gripping his shirt. "Gon." The mentioned person hissed. He just wanted a minute of silence to think. 

Killua obliged. His body pressed his legs deeper into the cushions. His gaze didn't take any other direction; they locked themselves on Gon's hard gaze that pierced the wall. 

A minute ticked by, but Gon's pressure seemed to increase. His eyebrows knitted, and his lips hardly pressed to form a thin line. Killua's heartbeats jumped every time Gon opened his mouth to speak, however, he'd stop mid-sentence as if the words were stuck in his throat.

He offends Killua a lot. If he was someone else, Killua would've turned into a bitch who roasts his whole being. But that's not anyone; he's Gon, his crush and love. "Is it that hard to say yes?" His grip loosened over Gon's shirt. He started to feel unwelcome, but he dared his pride to tell him to leave.

"No, but I'm worried, Killua." He stopped Killua from fussing when he said, "I don't want you to fall for me harder."

Whatever Gon said, shut Killua up for a solid minute. He just stared at him, lips tied and eyes wide, after knowing what bothered Gon the most. "You deserve someone amazing, so if you fell for someone like me, who can't even return your feelings, because of that stupid lie you did, I'd be depressed." He took a deep breath when Killua's hands dropped down to his knees. "Sorry, I'm selfish, and I don't want to lose someone I cherish again because of unrequited love." Gon reasoned.

Killua is hurt. Gon intended to say it aloud, to tell him how unrequited his love is. His lower lip quivered, so Gon put a tight grip on his shoulder. He gave it a small shake and said, "I'll be with you as long as you promise you won't fall for me, Killua. You have to promise that you'll find someone and try it out with another to get out of your love for me."

Killua won't do that! Gon has no right to force that term on him. However, he couldn't refuse that term if he wants to get Gon's help. "I promise." As faint as possible, Killua muttered. He wished that Gon didn't hear it clearly, so he could be mischievous and tell him that he didn't say such a thing later. Alas, he knows how sharp that bartender's hearing is.

"Great. Another thing." Killua groaned, and the action drew a small smile on Gon's face. Killua never knew why Gon smiles when he groans, but his butterflies flutter in his stomach whenever that happens. "There shouldn't be any couple's things between us."

"Absolutely, just in front of my family," Killua replied.

"I'm going to die of embarrassment." He admitted. Killua sulked up when Gon wiped his face. He knows that Gon thinks of him as a friend, which is why he understands how weird it is to do romantic stuff with him, but Killua is completely up for the experience.

"It shouldn't be that embarrassing, though."

"I'll take your word for it." A moment of silence twirled around them, wrapping them in a transparent connection. When it almost turned awkward, Gon coughed, to clear his throat, and said, "I'll make breakfast, then we're off to see your family."

"Let me call my parents first." Gon nodded and rested on the couch, hearing the rings of Killua's phone. He received a text, piquing Killua's curiosity, especially when a smile was drawn on his lips.

Finally, his father answered the call, "Where are you?"

"At my boyfriend's house." He sensed Gon flinch right after Killua's done with the sentence. His heart squeezed, but he ignored the feeling.  He kept strong, so his voice won't waver.

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