Fighters Can Be Lovers Too

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Bakugo didn't sleep well that night. He laid in bed, staring up at his ceiling. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about Izuku. Not just his flawless legs or heady green eyes. Or the soft fluffy hair he wanted to run his fingers through. Or even his tantalizing mouth that more than once knocked him down a peg.

He marveled over Izuku's mind. Bakugo considered himself pretty smart. Despite this assumption, he'd managed to make the same mistake over and over and over.

Underestimating him.

I'm taking five courses that amount to eighteen credit hours and working full time. I have a 4.0 GPA, I've never been late to work, and I'm majoring in Actuarial Science.

His jaw tightened. He remembered what it was like. Having to be perfect all the time. Better at everyone in everything. He hadn't been raised with concepts like "coming in second" or "third place" or "doing your best." His best had to be the best. His only two options were Success or Failure. And he remembered how his mother handled failure.

How can he deal with that kind of pressure? He wondered. Bakugo only attended middle school for a few months before he got himself involved in fights after school. He pummeled others and let himself get pummeled back just so he could let off some steam. The fights became the only activity he actually enjoyed. More than drumming sessions. Or cooking classes. Or dance lessons. Definitely better than anything he did in school.

Like everything else he tried, he got pretty good at it. So good he'd earned himself a reputation. And a name. Dynamight, after his explosive combat style.

He'd gotten away with it for two years. But when his mother retired from modeling to be a stay-at-home mom, she figured out what her son was really up to. Mitsuki was furious. So much so that she forced Bakugo to get a part-time job just to keep him out of trouble. He eventually landed a position as a cashier at Hot Topic.

And the rest is history.

But Izuku's different from me. He has to have this job. He remembered what the guy's apartment looked like. His less-than-ideal living conditions. If he ever lost his job he could starve or end up on the streets. Failure for him has consequences. Wouldn't that stress him out even more? How can he juggle so much without blowing up?

Not only did Izuku do well in school, but he'd picked up a couple of life skills too. He recalled how knowledgeable he'd been when they talked car parts yesterday. Once again, the viridian-haired vixen had shown him up.

I bet he would've known how to do it himself. In half the time. Not that he had a choice. Bakugo suspected that the Midoriyas didn't exactly have money set aside for major auto repairs. He'd clearly taught himself out of necessity. But still...what surprised him the most was how self -reliant Izuku was. He didn't need to be told to learn things. He took it upon himself to learn. He'd proven that yesterday, when Bakugo came into work only to see him work the cash wrap all by himself. While using two registers, no less. The only other person capable of pulling that off was Tokoyami, but he'd been working there even longer than Bakugo.

Izuku only watched Kaminari do it once. But he picked it up right away.

All this time he'd been afraid getting involved with him would compromise his performance at work. But if it hadn't been for Izuku...

Bakugo exhaled deeply as a V formed between his brows. He hadn't been exaggerating yesterday when he said Izuku saved his ass. If Izuku didn't take the initiative ... I might not have a job right now.

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