3 : Darling

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"I would say the blue berry muffin is better then the chocolate, but it depends. Are you a chocolate person?"

The customer makes a thinking face before shrugging.

Great answer, yes very helpful.

"Blueberry then."

I smile before saying the total and she hands the money.

"I trust you on this one dimple." she laughs and I smile.

I hate my dimples, they remind me of my mother which makes dad even more furious.

But her dimples were lovely I would always poke them when I was a kid.

"Have a good day," I wave and she gives me a smile.

"What can I get-" I stop seeing Ace in front of me.

His hair is more tamed now and he looks fancy.






"So what can I get for you today?" I smile and he looks around before muttering some curse words.

"Coffee. Black." his voice is deep and he talks like he doesn't give a singe care in the world.

I tap it in before saying the total.

"You know I think you'll like a mango smoothie more you look like that kind of person oh a lady came up to me and she was like you'll die before you turn fifteen," I chuckle "like ma'am I'm over fifteen, anyways."

He shakes his head before murmuring, "Portami fuori di qui."
[get me out of here]

"I'll assume you said something nice," I nod.

"Sure," he rolls his dark eyes.


I hand him the coffee giving him a smile.

"fossette carine, bellissima," he gives me a smile back.
[cute dimples, gorgeous]

His smile made me scream in the inside.

He probably cussed me out in Italian what ever.

He can suck my-


"Have a good day Ace."

"You too Ella."

Is he joking?

Yes indeed I said that in a British accent.

I won't even bother to correct him, he's a waste of time.



My shift is finally over and I'm walking back home.

Yes it's dark but it's okay.

If I die I die.

I think I'll rather die then getting kidnapped because that is scary.

You have no idea what they'll do to you.

It's traumatizing.

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