Chapter 11

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The atmosphere around Axel was misty and pale, the bright shine of the sky had disappeared about a day ago, as had the violent beatings of the sun. Instead they were replaced by the far less preferable chill of winter. While snow hadn't technically fallen yet, the sudden drop in temperature made it clear what season the world had changed into. 

As if to reflect the current cold environment, the guild was even less populated than it normally would be despite it currently being breakfast hour, which was a time period known to attract quite a number of adventurers.  It was as if everyone had decided that they were willing to pay the price of having a growling stomach in order to stay under the warm sheets for another hour. 

He looked outside the window adjacent to him only to see a cold and sparsely populated world beyond. It was as if all life had retreated indoors. But he doubted that would protect them from the cold, even though there were torches blazing with fire across the tavern, the cold still had a method to invade the building with enough potency in order to cause discomfort in the small group of people who currently inhabited the building.

Ignoring the meal they had just eaten earlier, coming to the guild was no better than staying back in the mansion. Actually, it was arguably worse because back in the mansion he had sheets of fabric to shield him from the cold in a manner far more effective than the weak and aged sentinels of fire that dotted the cold stone walls of the guild. 

"Brrrr..." he heard Anna chatter from opposite him. 

"Cold?" he inquired nonchalantly.

She nodded while shaking visibly, putting on pleading eyes: marred only by the little dark shadows that gathered underneath her eyes.

Y/N sighed, he expected as much. Given the situation of having to get up every morning to a largely stone-built mansion without any fire to warm it through the night, during a winter season, it wasn't surprising that the cold would get to her.

Of course, none of this was done voluntarily. If they had the choice, they would've kept fire wood burning throughout the night in order for a warm wake-up in the morning. However, due to the recent large-scale spending on purchasing the tombstones from the stonemasons, in conjunction to the reward for rebuilding the graveyard being much less than anticipated, combined with the sudden increase in the cost of firewood due to the current season, that forced them to be thrifty with the few logs of firewood they did have kept away in the mansion's storeroom.

"Here," Y/N muttered softly, getting off his seat to wrap his dark coat around Anna's shoulders, its cape acting as a warm shield that reached down to protect even her seated legs. "Warm enough?"

"Mm-hm!" she sung happily, resting her head upon her crossed hands on the table before snoozing off quietly, her blonde hair spreading out all over on the table messily. 

Y/N met her actions with a wry smile as the chill made its presence significantly more noticeable to Y/N, with only a thin piece of pale fabric protecting his skin from the cold outside, but with some effort, it was ignorable. As his friend laid snoozing away he was pondering on the meaning for her apparent exhaustion: from what she had told him, this was the second night in a row that the cold had prevented her from getting a good night's sleep. "We need to make more money," he mused quietly to himself. "Otherwise she won't have the will-power to go on quests."

His stockpile of eris had effectively been absorbed overnight, with the vast bulk of it being spent on purchasing the tombstones and covering the extra fees negotiated for a priority completion of the stone products. The remaining bits of currency were used to buy a few more logs of firewood, which were all unfortunately spent lavishly to warm up the mansion a few nights earlier by certain airheads. 

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