If I Can Then You Can

14 11 6

If I can then you can
That's where it all began
I was supposed to push myself
Push me till the very end.

What's wrong with me?
I thought,
If We're all the same, then
Am I bad luck?
Good happens to you
Why never happens to me?
Or am I being too ignorant to see?

I've been so strong but
I'm about to break down
Am I being kind or am I being clowned?
I'm fine with waiting but the question is
If I can then you can
That's where it all began

As I was about to fade away
I heard this voice
"If I can then you can"
Being misinterpret
Not two characters could ever
live the same life
The fall, the rise
Makes you who you're today
One sees the evil
One always rejoice

If I can then you can
Never makes two of us
It has a simple meaning
Saying to never give up.

If I can then you can
that's where it's gonna began
Not to see the evil, no not again
Accepting my path, leading my own story
It was a voice of me
that has always been enlightening me
about the voyage of my glory.

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