Heart Of An Introvert

78 14 11

I don't feel cold all the time
It's just the shivers I feel
Shivers of anxiety, low self-esteem.
It's not that I don't have my opinion
I said it, I said it too many times
Just not too loud enough, for the world to listen.

Neither I'm a bookworm nor I'm boring,
I like to dance too and yes I like to sing.
However, would you listen?
Would you be able to withstand a persona that's so absurd?
Are you truly able to understand...
The Heart of an introvert?

I fell in love for the very first time
trust me or not ...
Never been able to confess my feelings for you
I was stuttering so bad.

and the time passed by...
you smiled at me and gazed right
into my eyes.

Weirdo! You said
walked away without looking back
they reckon even if you smile
when you're hurt
that's normal, that's natural
if you could ever understand
The heart of an introvert.

I need a voice to break my reverie
Unfortunately, never came out of it...
I look around this exquisite world,
create ecstatic scenarios in my mind
Can't tell a difference whether my eyes are open...
Or am I just another character of
a self-build story.

Walking, when no one's around
in the woods...
Trying to figure out my only fear
My only fear of being misunderstood.

Stargazing, from my backyard
I wish someone could emphasize
with the heart of an introvert.

(Sept 27, 2020)
(3:55 AM)

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