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The next morning, Maya was brushing her hand on the wall by her room. Humming, she walked. Then, she felt a bump. "Wha?" She pushed on it, and felt around it. Then she gasped. The wall moved in, then pushed to the side. A secret passage! A long, stairway curved around. "Callista! Aubrey!" Maya called. They came over. "What- AH! What is- wha- h-" Callista asked, then fell into Aubrey. "I think it's a secret passage" Maya said. "I was brushing my hand against the wall, then I felt a bump. I pushed on it and felt around it, then it opened!" She exclaimed. She started to go into it. "Are you nuts?!" Callista exclaimed. " We've got to see what's down there!" Maya protested.

"So you're going in?!" "What else?!" Maya thought for a moment. "Let's ask mommy. She might know- it is our house," She suggested. The others nodded. " Mommy! Come, we found something," Maya said. "Coming!" She came up, and gasped. " Well,- You found it!" She exclaimed. " Found what?!" Asked Maya. Their mom took a deep breath. " I have to tell you something. Our last name is Yonamemeans. It can translate to Your-name-means, meaning our names have meaning. Our names meaning- well- they literally mean what they mean," She said. Follow me." They traveled into the stairwell, and soon approached a secret room. It was full of bookshelves, and a desk and pen were in the corner. Katherine took one of the books and blew off it's dust. She opened it up. Maya saw the title- The History of the Yonamemeans. " Our family has always had that. Our powers get to their full- are truly activated- at a very special island. Your Great Grandmother Kendra created it- she was the only other Yonamemeans whose name meant magic. This house was hers- she created this passage, and, well, you've found it!" She got another book- Name meanings. " Maya, your name means Illusion, or magic. Yonamemeans translating to magic. Callista, your name means most beautiful. Aubrey, your name means king of the little people." She then put the books back on the shelf. " So, we have magic?" Maya asked excitedly. Her mom smiled. " Yes. You do," She said. "We do!" Maya was so happy she could scream. She had always wanted this, something magical! She squealed. Then she smiled. She was so excited! "Now," Said her mom,"I think it's time for you to go to the island.!" "Really?!" "Yes! Your names meaning's will come!" Maya gasped. " So- I'll be- Like, magical?" She asked. "Yes!" Maya was so excited! She was so happy! She had always wanted something magical! Like in her books! " You can come home whenever you like! You can just say, 'I am a Yonamemeans!'' They all smiled excitedly. " I am a Yonamemeans!" The three siblings said together.!

The Adventures of the Yonamemeans SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now