Chapter Three: The Island

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Poof! They appeared on a small, pretty island. The sand was a shimmery white, The water was crystal blue, and pretty seashells were scattered across the island. The three Yonamemeans just stood there for a second, completely dumbfounded. After all, In the last 5 minutes, they had been told their family had magic, found a secret passage, and teleported to a magic island. Maya finally spoke. "Wow!" She said. She picked up a seashell. Pretty! "Um... Guys?" Callista asked uncertainly. "What?" " Does anyone else have the feeling that we're being watched?" They all looked at each other. They each could tell something was off. Callista was good at telling if they weren't alone, and this was one of those times. Resourceful, Maya got another seashell. "What are you going to do with that?" " I don't know!" Aubrey then saw something in the trees- It looked like, well, a little person!

                                   Soo... who know what this means?! Comment and I'll update! :D

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