A Penny A Deed

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If someone gave me a penny

For every evil deed,

I'd be rather poor, with a few cents at hand.

I could never go through

With these urges to do bad.

You see, I'm a coward

A numb wretch, filled with nothing but wounds and vile thoughts.

Some wounds are physical

such as the ones on my thighs and the ones on my hands,

While others can't be seen

Such as the ones in my mind

The ones in my heart

And the ones left by those who had no purpose

Other than to hurt me.

Just like my thoughts

Some evident

The rest hidden deep

Inside my head

Noticed by nobody

Other than me.

I like how things are

How secret I am

How secret I will continue to be

Even when people dig deep

They won't find anything

They won't find my urges to hurt those who have wronged me

They won't find my guilt for following through

They won't find the words I wish to say

Nor the ones I have

Neither my pain

Neither my joy

As I stay discreet

And unfeeling

Hiding within my thoughts

Open to no one

And sometimes not even myself.

I hide those thoughts

From both I and the world

In hopes that one day

I could express my passions

Without being full of regret after.

In hopes that one day

I could take off this mask I call living

And reveal

Who I am

And who I wish to be.

I struggled with this one, ngl
But hope you enjoyed :)

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