A Windy Day

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I love the wind.
I like how it makes my fingers tingle,
how it sends shivers through my body,
how it gently kisses my face,
and combs it's chilly hands through my hair.
The wind loves me as I love it,
and dances with the trees as I walk by.
It holds my hand with the breeze,
and throws me flowers from the ground.
It keeps me cool on warm days,
embracing me in its gales.
It's almost as if I can feel it's icy arms wrap around me,
protecting me,
comforting me,
whispering nothing but truths
and whistling gaiety.
I love the wind.
And it loves me.
Even when it knocks the breath from my chest,
and makes me bawl in pain at night.
Even when it's dark and colder than usual,
even when it shows no mercy.
I love it's shadows and violent storms,
even as tears fall down my cheeks.
It comforts me,
and coldness washes over my body
as a chill settles in my arms,
and a sort of calmness fills my mind,
as I go completely numb.

I liked writing this one ^-^

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