I wish....

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I really wish sometimes,

that you would like me the way I like you,

that you would see me the way I see you,

that you would feel the same way when you talk to me as I do when I talk to you.

I wish that we could talk and my excitement wouldn't be one sided.

I wish that you could say something first, and enjoy speaking to me as I do to you.

I wish that you didn't ignore me.

I wish you didn't leave me to the rest of this world because you really are the only fucking good thing in it.

I wish you understood how I want you so much......as a friend, as a best friend, maybe something more.

It's probably become a need now.

And I could say that I need you. I need you to be there for me. I need you to want me.

I need you to talk to me.

And I need to talk to you, to be with you, to have you feel the same way.

I need you to enjoy my company as I do yours,

To laugh at my jokes as I do to yours,

To crave the sound of my voice, as I do yours.

I really need you.

I really want you.

And God knows, how much I just wish you were mine.

Wrote this during heartbreak  (ಥ﹏ಥ)

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