
26 1 3

My dreams are my happy place.

My nightmares, are my happy place.

As long as it's somewhere where I feel anything other than distress, it will be my happy place.

Whether it's fear or satisfaction, anger or excitement.

I don't care.

I just want it to stop.

And sometimes I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up.

But every time I close my eyes, I just bestir myself again, and everything comes tumbling down once more.

I'm so tired.

Of held back tears and self-isolation.

Of neutral guises and quiet dejection.

Of reality.

I'm exhausted; I just want it all to end.

Even if it's just for a moment.

I thought this one wasn't going to be good but it actually was so I'm very proud.

Also these notes are legit ruining the whole vibe of this book. I'm sorry lmao 💀🤚

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