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Chapter five:

Jessica is never coming back

When mom came, I was absolutely sleeping. Usually when I sleep, I hibernate. I mean I wake up hardly! I hate that about myself. I had a nightmare, the worst nightmare. I dreamed that Charlie was staring and me and saying words that I didn't understand at all!! He was not real, he was so white, his  eyes were popping out as if I am something interesting. Well, I did, I was hurt and I was bleeding hardly, but it didn't hurt at all. He was saying mystery words like not normal English words at least! ''Charlie?! Hey! Please you know that I can't understand whatever you are saying now, will you please act normal?!'' I said in a sudden voice that I was so scared of nothing. Actually this was the scary thing: that I was scared of nothing. Nothing scary was happening and I don't know why that was so scary for me! Anyways, Jessica suddenly came with her family and stood next to Charlie, repeating my name and looking at my wound. I was bleeding from my neck as if somebody really bit it. But the only one had blood on his mouth was Charlie. As he lied down in the floor and started crying and shouting and saying, ''Why?'' and repeating it many times until he faded away while he was lying on the ground. I woke up terrified from the dream, without any clue what it meant, it have been two weeks sense Charlie have left us, days I can never forget, and now that my brain is back in my head, maybe I should stop doing that to myself. I changed my cloth and packed my bag and went to school, I went walking because I needed more time to think before I go to school and face Jessica if she came, well, after the fight, I don't expect her to talk to me ever again. When I arrived the school I found Eric waiting for me straight on the door. He spoke, '' Hey, Liz I'm so sorry about what happened to your brother." as he hugged me with one arm telling it will all become ok. ''Come on Liz, everyone's going to die one day! Even you Liz!'' he said tapping my back. '' I'm sure you'll say that, because you don't understand how that feels like, actually no one understand at all!'' And I was right, no one will feel it until it happens to them really. '' I do understand, I do, more than you think.'' He said on our way to class. I haven't spoke a word after that, I was only thinking of what he said, and when we reached the class I said, '' Thanks for backing me up today, that meant the world me.'' I exchanged my place and went to sit next to Eric this time, I didn't want to sit next to her at all. I'll never sit next to her again, she didn't come. Maybe never coming back. I trebly realized that it was all my fault, I'm the one who fought with her in the first place, she wasn't the reason of Charlie's problem, because she left and now he's still gone. I kept the guiltiness inside me. I told Eric all about it but he seemed that he already knew everything about it. But I kept my story and decided to ask him why did he say he knows more than I think? '' Eric, well, how could you understand? More than I think?'' I asked with confusion on my face. '' Liz, I will tell you the truth, I know Jessica before you do.'' he said with admitting face. '' What?! But  even how?'' I asked with a mad face that he lied to me all this time, wondering would he be honest with the answers or even a lie! '' Well, Lisa, what happened to you happened exactly to me, my sister died last year, when I used to know Jessica, she has a very bad luck. And because of that when she came to school, I acted like I don't know her at all. They didn't find the body of my sister, she died in a cave just like you, they only found her blood just like your brother. That's my half story to be honest.''  What? He didn't even have a sister! So no more lies after now? He's like so honest today?

'' You have a sister?''

'' Used to.''

'' And what do you mean by 'half story to be honest'?

'' I mean I shouldn't tell you all by now!''

'' Good because I don't want to know more, because that's enough.'' I spoke and then went to my place next to no one. And thinking about what I did was right, it was good I fought with her no more bad things in life! But that was way too late. Eric was right about that but wrong about lying to me. But everyone lie, me myself lie a lot. The lesson started teacher explained but this time, I wasn't concentrating at all, I was still thinking, thinking, and thinking. Thoughts were all over my mind. Thinking of The Slash, Eric, everyone even I even had doubt in Laura, bet she knows many things too. After class, I went to Eric because I didn't want to lose more friends or family members.'' Hi Eric, sorry for treating you badly, I'm just sad about Charlie.'' I spoke with guilty low voice. '' Well, that's ok, I told you my story!'' he said with a bit sadness and disappointment and I don't know from what? '' Okay, but have you seen Laura? Where is she anyway?''

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