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Della cracked open her eyes. The light was peaking through the curtain in Wanda's room. She sat up in the bed and wiped the saliva at the corner of her mouth off. She looked over to the nightstand and the clock read 1:00 pm. Did she really sleep for 15 hours?

She pushed the blanket off and got off of the bed. She stretched her arms above her head and walked over to the full-length mirror. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was crazy, and her head was throbbing. God, she really did look like shit.

Her stomach growled. She walked over to the door and opened it. hopefully, this ancient safe house had edible food in it. She walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes and into the kitchen. She walked past Peter who was eating at the table and opened the cupboard.

"Morning sleeping beauty." He joked taking in her appearance.

She grumbled but didn't say anything. She couldn't find anything to eat. Even the cereal they had was bad, All-bran, Shredded Wheat, Rice Krispies, the best thing they had was corn flakes and they didn't even have sugar to go with it.

Della dragged herself over to the table and slumped down in the chair. She rested her head against the cool surface of the table "Do you have any Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, oxy, molly, maybe some coke?"

Peter laughed right as he was about to respond someone knocked on the door. She picked her head up, they both looked at the door and then back at each other. Peter pushed his chair back and stood up "Stay there."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Della muttered and rubbed her forehead.

Peter grabbed his web-shooters off of the shelf. He peaked out of the curtain and then opened the door. He began to speak to whoever was outside. She couldn't hear what he was saying. "Peter." She said in a hushed tone.

"Peter whos at the door?" She whispered again. She started to creep over toward him just in case it was trouble.

Peter looked over to Della with an almost tight smile on his face "Babe come here and meet the neighbors."

Babe? What the hell was wrong with him? She walked over to him. Did he fall in the shower and hit his head or something. She walked over to the door. Peter pull Della into his side "Peter what the  hel-"

"Oh is this your lovely girlfriend?"

Della whipped her head to the door. The was an older man and woman standing on the porch holding a glass container. She plastered a fake smile on her face and wrapped her arm around Peter "Oh honey who is this?" She asked.

The older woman turned to her "Hi I'm Greta and this is my husband, Arthur. We were relaxing on our porch when we saw the light on in the cabin. We live just across the lake from you guys."

"How lovely!" She blinked.

"Are there any other neighbors around here? We just wouldn't want to miss them when we were out." Peter didn't tell her there was anyone around here. Let alone right across the lake.

"No just us. It's just you two? You look a little young to be here by yourself."

Della internally panicked. She shouldn't have said anything but Peter was quick to save her "My uncle gave us the keys to the family cabin to celebrate finishing the first semester of college. We got here pretty late."

"You guys do look like you had a pretty long night last night." The woman winked. Della's eyes practically bulged out of her head at what the women was implying.

"Remember when we were younger honey. We used to be able to go all night and all day." The woman laughed.

"You guys should definitely stop by and visit sometime, we would really love to have some younger company." It was crazy to Della just how quickly she could change the subject.

THE SHADOW THIEF | peter parkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora