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Who am I?

That was a question Della used to ask herself every day, she used to look in the mirror, for what seemed like hours, trying to figure out who she was, because, for the first time in her life, she got to choose who she wanted to be.

Now she had a pretty good idea of who she was, of who she wanted to be. Of course, it could change in the future, but she was okay with that.

She didn't want to say she had been on a path of self-discovery, because it made her sound like she was some celebrity who promoted self-help books on their social media.

She had spent the last three years traveling the world. Laughing, smiling, crying. Sometimes she felt lonely, but the thought of going back one day always comforted her.

She hadn't talked to Peter since the last time she saw him in times square. She knew if she had heard his voice she wouldn't have been able to resist not going back.

Peter sat on top of a roof, kicking his feet back and forth taking a bite of his sandwich. The cool breeze pushed his hair back and he ran his fingers through his hair. When he was done, he reached over for his mask only to find it not there, panicking he turned to look behind him, he felt as all air left his lungs.

"Della." His voice was barely above a whisper. Della stood there, his mask in her hand, with a smile on her face.

"Lose something Parker?" Her hair was longer, now hitting her shoulder, after not seeing her for so long she still looked the same, still made him feel the same.

"No, I think someone stole it." He smiled.

"That person must have been pretty sneaky to have stolen from spiderman." she walked over to him, sitting on the ledge next to him.

He grabbed his mask back "Are you just stopping by?"

"No, I think I'm here to stay." She shook her head looking at him "If you'll still have me."

He reached over to her, interlocking their fingers "I told you, I would wait for you. No take-backs."

She shrugged "I just wanted to make sure you didn't find someone else."

"There could never be someone else, you're my favorite little thief." he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You know, thief is a strong-." She got cut off as Peter shout out a web, swinging them off a building "I little warning next time." She screamed.

He laughed as they continued swinging. At that moment Della knew she had made the right decision. She had found home, he was home. Peter Parker was home.

A U T H O R S  N O T E

→ Hello my little stars, I know that around chapter seven the story had a total tone shift and the the plot started moving really fast but I did that so I could continue writing the story and not lose interest!

→ Thank you for reading this story, I know it isn't my best piece of work but it is still my baby.

→ Much love for you guys, Mercury <3

THE SHADOW THIEF | peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now