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Peter knocked on now Della's door. He heard a bit of shuffling before she called out "Come in."

Peter stepped into a pitch-black room. Even with his enhanced senses, he could barely see in front of him. Not only that but the weird thing to him was that it was 3 in the afternoon, was the girl a hermit?

He could see a light glow on her face from the hologram they had found searching the house the other day. He walked over closer to her. "Della why is it so dark in here?"

Della always liked the dark. It was like the shadows called to her. She felt safe, like a warm, secure blanket. She felt as though she knew the shadows would protect her if all else failed. The only thing lurking in the dark was her, as the shadows would do her bidding.

She shrugged "Do you want me to turn on the light?"

He shook his head "No it's fine, have you found anything?" 

"Not really— here sit down." She patted the bed next to her.

She reached over and grabbed something off of her nightstand "I forgot after everything that happened, but I found this in the weaponry."

She showed Peter a knife. It was black with gold lines running up it, the gold almost looked like it was alive— like it was moving.

He grabbed it out of Della's hand and ran his hand over the shiny metal. The gold seemingly stopped. "Does this seem weird to you— kind of like unnatural?"

She rolled her eyes "Obviously, that's why I grabbed it genius."

He sighed "Where did you find it exactly."

"Well, it was on a desk kind of, like on the opposite side from where I grabbed your spidey stuff, when I picked it up and a video popped up"

"We should go scan it."

"Scan it? With what?"

Peter got off of the bed "Here follow me."

He walked out of the door, she got up and followed him "Is there just a whole different part of this house I didn't know about?"

They stepped into Peter's room, this was the first time she had been in there. This one was the first time she had been in there. Most times if they had to talk they did it downstairs or in her room— which was technically The Scarlet Witches room— Peter's room was red with several spiders on the wall. Honestly, it looked like a 3-year-olds room when they told their artistic mother their favorite superhero was Spider-Man. She wondered if he designed it, or if Tony was trying to embarrass him. Either way it was funny to her.

"Actually yes there is." He replied.

Peter walked over to his closet, he pressed his hand against the door and a scanner popped up and scanned his hand.

Her eyebrows shot up, he was being serious. Peter stepped through the door and turned back to her "Are you coming?"

She blinked away her shock and stepped through the door— closet— they stepped into an elevator. Peter pressed on a few buttons and they started to move.

The doors to the elevator opened and they stepped into a huge room. Correction huge lab. Della stepped closer in, it had everything someone could want.

She turned to Peter and punched him in the arm "Ow! What was that for?"

"Why didn't you tell me about this, Or did you just forget to mention it?"

"I could say the same thing about the knife."

"The knife is one small thing, this is a whole ass other floor."

THE SHADOW THIEF | peter parkerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora