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"I was wondering when you were going to come." Della looked up from the ground.

There she was, it was the first time in months that Della had seen her. She quickly snatched her hand back and turned to the girl, the girl looked her up and down in disgust "You know we've had eyes on you the whole time."

"I had a feeling you did Kaitlynn, Maybe it's you tried to kill me at the school or again at the avengers compound, but I'm not really sure what gave it away." She said sarcastically.

Actually, Della didn't know it was them at first, it wasn't until they tried to kill them again at avengers compound that she put it together. She knew Hydra wasn't smart enough to figure out where they were at twice so it could only be one organization. She felt a twinge of guilt from dragging Peter into it when he didn't deserve it.

"Joking around won't help you escape," Kaitlynn said as the two began to circle one another.

"I've done it three times so far I think I might be able to manage a fourth." She tilted her head at the girl.

"When we get back to the academy Head Mistress is going to give you a slow, painful death. Or perhaps I should just end it for you right now, say it was the slip of the finger on the trigger." Kaitlynn said taunting her, even if she was saying that to rile her up, she knew it was true. The headmistress wasn't merciful.

"I'm sure you would say it was a mistake, that would be believable since you can't seem to get anything right." Della snapped back.

"Is everything alright ladies?" Peter asked placing a hand on her shoulder, standing next to her.

She got in front of Peter, pushing him behind her. He was confused, the two girls looked like they were seconds from killing each other. He didn't even know that she knew anyone from the state of New York. He just assumed that she was new there.

She put her hand behind her pushing him farther back "Peter go find our seats on the train." She commanded.

"What? No, I'm not leaving you here." He stood up straighter looking at her like she had lost her mind. He could tell that she was serious and wasn't joking by the tone in her voice.

"Yeah go run Peter." Kaitlynn mocked.

Running out of patience, Della turned around and pushed Peter as hard as she could in the chest, caught by surprise he felt backward into a pole, the bag in his hand sliding across the floor. She lunged toward Kaitlynn, throwing a punch at her. Kaitlynn ducked, kicking her in the stomach "It hasn't even been six months and you're already rusty."

Della stumbled back before regaining her footing, "You're just bitter that no matter how hard you try to play teacher's pet, you'll never have powers."

This time it was Kaitlynn who threw the punch, Della grabbed her arm, twisting it behind her back. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you babe." She whispered into Kaitlynn's ear. Kaitlynn was shorter than her, standing just a bit above her chin.

Several gunshots went off and people started to run for the exits and trains. Kaitlynn let out a menacing laugh "I guess you better put those powers to use."

Unexpectedly Kaitlynn, stomped on Della's foot, forcing her to let go. Kaitlynn spun around, somehow having a knife in her hands. She thrust her hand out towards Della's stomach, it was too late, Peter wouldn't have time to push her away, at that moment he couldn't recall if he let out a scream or not, he sat there frozen, just like uncles bens death, he was useless. He knows that she didn't mean to push him into a pole, for some odd reason she was trying to save him, his face had hit the poll with a strange amount of force. Even being dazed for a few seconds wasn't an excuse to just let her die.

THE SHADOW THIEF | peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now