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Della slide her arm through the leather jacket, looking at herself in the mirror she adjusted the jacket a second time. She had to admit, Wanda did have good taste, even if she did dress like she would be the bad girl in some shitty chick flick.

She turned around and grabbed her bag off of the bed. When she opened the door she saw Peter standing there ready to knock. "Ready?" she asked stepping out of her room, as soon as she stepped into the hall the once dark room turned light again.

Peter blinked, had he finally lost it? He knew it would happen one day, he was just hoping it would hold off for a little longer. If anyone asked he supposed he could blame it on all of the blood rushing to his head, well if they were gullible enough."Yeah umm- meet me downstairs."

She narrowed her eyes at him "You good Parker?"

He cleared his throat, looking not at her but behind her "Everything is great."

In turn, she shrugged and walked past him down the stairs. He had a feeling that there was something that she wasn't telling him and the urge had only grown stronger over the weeks. Peter felt like she knew so much about him but he didn't know anything about her.

He shook his head as in to shake the thought away and followed Della downstairs, out of the door. The sun wasn't out yet, and there was still the night's chill in the air. Peter watched as she pulled her jacket closer to her body making her way to the motorcycle "Hey, we aren't using that thing." he called out.

She turned around throwing her arms up "And why the hell not?"

"Because it's dangerous and we don't want to draw any more unnecessary attention to ourselves."

"You're such a killjoy sometimes." She dragged her feet over to him as a toddler would do when they didn't get their way.

She threw her bag and he caught it without looking up. He walked behind the safe house where they parked the cars. He pulled the tarp off of the car and grabbed the keys out of his pocket.

Della came from behind him "An Audi?" She whistled, not even a regular Audi, an Audi r8 with custom rims "I've always wanted to steal one of these."

Peter looked at her horrified "You're terrible, do you know that."

She smiled "You only remind me every day." She tried to snatch the keys but he moved his hand before she could reach it.

"We've gone over this Della, you don't have a license, do you know what that means? No driving."

"And what about you and your learners permit?"

He crossed his arms "I'll have you know I've had my license for two years."


"Yes really."

She snorted "Really?" She asked again "You look like you haven't even gone through puberty yet."

Peter got in the car and lightly slammed the door as if though to show her a point, she opened the passenger side and got in "Passive-aggressive I see."

Peter started the car putting it into reverse. He pulled out from the back of the safe house and onto the gravel road. She looked out the window toward the thick forest. It seemed to go on forever, and that unnerved her. She didn't like the unknown. Though she knew Peter would disagree with her saying she liked to make rash decisions. But there was a thin line between possibility and probability, and it's not one she liked to cross.

She let out a long sigh "I hate the forest, and trees, and the heat, and when the sun is up, and maybe just nature in general."

He didn't reply so she sat further back in her seat and crossed her arms "So what? You're just gonna ignore me the whole drive now."

THE SHADOW THIEF | peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now