7- It's Bonding Time

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When I woke up, the first thoughts that raced through my mind where the sensible ones. The ones that were usually discarded, pushed into the back of your mind, but now were fully awake. Begging me to heed them. 

Blair, are you crazy?

Me- probably.

You are in a strange hotel room, with two people who 'claim' to be your brothers.

Me- I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here.

They could be serial killers for all you know, what do they do for a living? How do they survive? What are they hiding from you?

Me- …

And you know that don't you? You know that you shouldn't be trusting them so much, even though they claim to have the same father as you. But do you listen to me? No. Instead you decide to get into a car with them, and that's not all. You decide to stay with them. Even though right now they could be plotting your very death.

Me- Shush conscience, have I ever said how rude you are?

I'm not rude, just stating the facts. You don't know them, you shouldn't trust them.

Despite my internal arguments with myself. I knew that my conscience, the sensible Blair, was right. I practically just met them, and even though they claimed to be family, didn't mean I should trust them. 

Curse sensible thoughts. Battling their way into my mind and filling it with its... sensibleness.

Groaning, I pulled the thick comforter over my head, trying to block out my thoughts. The only problem, you couldn't run away from your own mind.

I finally sat up, my thoughts running wild and my head spinning.

“Blair, you okay?” A voice said suddenly from beside me, making me jump.

“Yeah, yeah I'm okay.” I blurted, nerves eating at my stomach, my heart beating so fast it felt like a dozen bats hitting my rib cage.

“You sure? You seem a little.. nervous.” The voice, who I now assumed was Sam, said again.

“Yeah, no, I'm okay- no, not really.” I stuttered, cursed tongue, Sam sat up immediately. Looking at me worriedly from where he had been laying on the couch.

“What's wrong? Is it about your mom?” I fiddled nervously with the loose strands of the comforter, then with the bracelets on my wrist, then back to the comforter.

“No- no, not that, I just..” I trailed off, unsure if I should trust him enough to tell him that I was suspecting him and his brother to be serial killing ax murderers.

“What is it?” He prompted, “you're nervous about something.”  

“It's just that, I don't know who you guys are, I don't know why I agreed to stay here, maybe it's the ADHD- I tend to make rash decisions without fully thinking about it. But my conscience is telling me that I really shouldn't be here. And I don't know if you guys are telling the truth or that you are really serial killers preparing to kill me.” I said all in one breath. 

“Blair, look, Dean and I, we are telling the truth. We aren't going to murder you in your sleep or anything if that is what you're thinking.” He said quietly, trying not to wake up his brother, who was still asleep on the second bed. “And sure, we aren't telling you some things. But believe me when I say that what we aren't telling you them because we have good reason not to.” I nodded slowly,

“Is it dangerous?” I asked, a small lump building up in my throat as I mentally prepared myself for the answer.

“Yes,” I sucked in a sharp breath, that simple three letter word sending a ray of shock shooting through me.

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