Chapter 5

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           I couldn't believe how amazing Willow Springs was. It was nothing like I pictured it to be. I mean I had seen secondary schools before, Aurora and I had to look around one day at school, but it didn't compare to Willow Springs. It specialised in technology and had loads of up to date equipment which I had no idea what it was for. All I know some of it was for electronics, while other bits were for design and other such subjects. Willow springs did have classrooms and workshops similar equipped but not as up to date as that school. Where they did compare was that they both had computers and whiteboards in almost every classroom. The only rooms in Willow Springs which didn't have computers or interactive whiteboards were the rooms set aside for the 'supernatural' subjects. I have to admit it really was an amazing school. I think I snapped hundreds of photos of the grounds and inside the school, I couldn't get enough of it. I think it was the same for Aurora and the two new friends we made, Bridget and Barnet as none of them put their phones away for more than a minute or so. My favourite part of the school was the library, as I loved reading more than anything and still do. I tried to take in some of the many titles of the books but I couldn't. Some were old and I mean really old, so old their titles were written in a language I couldn't read. I thought at the time it was Latin, but later learned it was actually Old English.

That night we got back to the hotel I thought I would sleep like a baby but I didn't. I think I made a mistake sleeping in the car because by the time we had something to eat and Aurora and I went off to the room we were staying it was late but neither of us could sleep. I found out like me Aurora had slept in the car, but she managed to stay awake long enough to see the village which was the only settlement near the school. She told me how my parents explained that every resident was some sort of supernatural being and had been since it was founded and was one of only a handful of such settlements in Scotland.

"So what do you think of Willow Springs?" Aurora asked me excitedly. She was laid on her bed in the hotel room on her belly, her legs bent at the knees and her feet facing the ceiling. She had a massive smile on her face and I could tell she was bursting to tell me something.

"I think it was amazing, nothing like that school we saw back home. I mean it was cool but nothing like Willow Springs. How about you? What did you think?" I calmly replied, trying my hardest to hide my own excitement. I placed my bookmark in my book and put it to one side, knowing that I wouldn't get to read any more of it that night.

"Oh, it was brilliant." Aurora quickly replied, almost jumping to her feet, but instead sat up with her back to the wall before she continued. "I can't wait to go! I mean I will miss my dad and some of my old friends but we will go home in the holidays. It was nothing like I thought it would be. I mean some parts almost looked like a normal school, but then you would look around and see it wasn't; even in the normal subject classrooms. Then you look outside, and oh is so beautiful. I could imagine waking up in the morning and seeing fog coming down off the mountains, or snow covering them in winter. Oh, it's going to be so cool."

" I know what you mean, when I saw the armoury I thought okay this is not a normal school. Like how many schools have you heard of with an armoury?"

"None and I never heard one which will teach you to fence either. I think I will take it up when we can, I know it's not like a girl thing to do but it will be so cool."

"Yeah but it is fun, I know I will be taking it up too. I saw all the swords and just wanted to pick them up. Swing them around like was a knight of King Arthur like I read in my books."

"Or like Aramis in the Three Musketeers, and I Joan of Arch."

"Oh, that would be so cool." I paused and jumped to my feet, pretending to have a sword in my hand I flicked my hand around and continued. " I will be champion of the school, beating every boy that comes against me."

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