Chapter 14

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It was a Saturday and we had free choice of what we wanted to do. After a long group discussion, we decided that we would spend the morning in the woods practising fencing. It was the first time that Aurora and I had practised since attending Willow Springs, and the first time completely for the rest of our friends. After breakfast, Aurora and I went back to our rooms and checked we had everything we would need packed. I had been bought two new fencing foils, the names for the swords you use as a leaving present from my parents, so I had three in total. Though one of them was a special one with my name engraved on the hilt, the handle and layered in gold. It must have cost my parents a fortune, so I was sure I wasn't going to use it. I left it in my bag however and packed my protective clothing and changed into my boots. I wasn't worried about anyone asking what was in my bag as I was using my bag which looks normal on the outside but massive on the inside, which my parents bought me from Perth in the shop they took me to get what I needed for school. I was ready in only moments, as I had kept my fencing equipment all together in the bottom of my wardrobe. Aurora however took her time; she didn't turn up with Bridget until almost twenty minutes after I had met back up with Barnett and Lisa. Barnett was in the middle of asking Lisa questions about what she was expecting to happen that night for our seance and from what I heard she expected a lot as I did.

When Aurora and Bridget did finally turn up the weather had changed. The sun was no longer beating down on us from the broken gaps in the clouds. Instead, the wind was blowing strong and icy cold. I was tempted to call the whole thing off, but everyone was so excited so instead, we started our walk into the woods. The woods were full of pupils from our school of all different ages and doing different things. There was a group of girls in their final year sat around a tree together, one on each side with their backs against the tree. They were all reading a copy of the same book, but I couldn't make out the title. They seemed happy in their own world and didn't notice us walk by. A bit further into the woods, near the side of the loch is when our luck changed, Harnard, Colbin the Dutch exchange student was stood talking with a girl who looked the same age as we were. My heart started to race, and we all walked in silence, hoping that we could sneak past them, but it was no use. Colbin spotted us and pointed us out to Harnard.

"Hey Ragnarson, Ragnarson I see you there. We have something we need to sort out." Harnard shouted. I wanted to carry on walking but Harnard was able to cut us off, with Colbin and the girl close by. "You got me in serious trouble, and you will pay for it, but we can forget about it if you join us. Coleen is keen to get your friend there to join us too.

"Thanks, but no thanks neither of us wants to join your stupid pack, we are fine where we are." Lisa calmly said back, flicking her hair out of her face. Harnard seemed to be surprised that Lisa had the guts to answer, but Lisa showed no fear if she felt any and just smiled at Harnard, gently tipping her head to one side.

" Well little girl I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to him." Harnard snapped back, pausing to point at me before he continued. "If you won't join us then I will have to make you pay for the trouble you caused. The wolf pack is an old group of honour here at Willow Springs and you can't get away with going against us."

"The answer is still the same, and I wouldn't call her a little girl, she's tougher than she looks. I have done nothing to you Harnard or your group. You got yourself in trouble not me, so let us carry on walking before you get yourself in more trouble." I calmly replied, doing my best to cover how annoyed and worried I really was.

"I will rip you into Ragnarson! I am from a family of honour, unlike yours. I will destroy you! I will make your time here hell do you understand me? Hell!" Harnard's face had turned red with anger and his hands were balled into tight fists. He took a step towards me and suddenly stopped and took a step back. I looked behind me to see what he was looking at. Barnett and Bridget had transformed into their vampire forms and had their teeth glaring at Harnard and his friends. Lisa had transformed too and growled aggressively and stood ready to attack. I had never heard anyone, let alone a girl as small as Lisa make such a frightening sound. Aurora had two small glass vials in her hand, both filled with purple liquid, her right hand drew back to throw it.

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