Chapter 8

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"Room seventy-two, room seventy-two time to get up, You are late for breakfast." A voice shouted from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Okay, okay we are up." Barnett replied, still in his bed like I was. "what time is it?"

groggy from been woken up all of a sudden I opened my eyes slowly and let them focus before reached for my phone. The bright light stings my eyes and it took a few more seconds before my eyes adjust to been able to read the time. "Barnett it's quarter to eight, we should have been in our common room fifteen minutes ago."

Climbing out of bed I almost fall over I was in such a rush, Barnett stretched and rubs his face, " I thought I set my alarm."

"Me too, We best get moving before we miss our breakfast. Maybe our midnight adventure wasn't such a good idea."

"No but was fun, we have to find time to check out the rest of them. Mainly where that tunnel leads too."

"Yeah I agree, but for now we have to get down for breakfast, I'm starving. I forgot how much it drains me to be in my Were form."

"It will get easier in time. Hey is it school uniform today, I can't remember?" Barnett asked, opening his wardrobe and flicking his finger carefully over every item of clothing. I noted quickly that like me he had a lot of clothes, all different colours but it seemed organised well.

"It's uniform I think," I replied as I opened my wardrobe, pulling out my school uniform.

First I picked out my short-sleeved blue shirt, then my dark grey trousers and finally my navy blue blazer jacket. A school uniform which was pretty common in Britain at the time, and still is. The only thing different about Willow's Springs was that on the blazer left breast pocket was the school's logo embroiled on it. It was the tie that made the uniform so unique though, it was stripped with five different colours, one for each supernatural type. There was red, for vampires, green for Wiccans, blue for shapeshifters, yellow for telepaths and mediums, and finally grey for werewolves. It didn't take me long to get dressed, making sure I remembered to put on some deodorant. I may have been young but I knew it was important to use it.

In only five minutes we were both dressed, and looking fairly smart when we entered the common room. Everyone was talking among themselves and paid little attention to us, that was until the same student who caught Barnett and me the night before spotted us both.

"Ah there you two are, you have about ten minutes left to grab something to eat." He loudly said as he greeted us, pointing out where we could find some breakfast. We both smiled and was about to walk past him when he stuck his arm out to stop us both and whispered. "Word of advice boys, no more midnight adventures to hidden rooms, it may not be me who catches you next time." Barnett and I look shocked at each other as the taller boy smiles down at us before he finally stepped aside to let us pass.

"Where have you two been? You are twenty minutes late." Aurora asked as Barnett and I walked over to the sofa where she and Bridget were sat.

"We had problems with our alarm that's all." Barnett lied, getting a look from his twin sister which suggested she knew it wasn't the truth.

"well, Brother I would say make sure you don't do it too often. You don't want kicking out the school, do you? Now you two best get something to eat before you run out of time." Bridget replied, giving me the impression she knew that her brother and I had been up to something, but she just didn't know what.

Other breakfast I found it hard not to tell Aurora every truth about the night before, but I knew that even though she was my oldest friend this time I knew I had to be loyal to Barnett. He had been decent enough to share such a massive family secret, and I couldn't betray his trust, even if it would have been to Aurora. Instead, we talked about the lessons we would be having. With there not been a massive amount of students at Willow Springs it meant that we all our normal classes together, and only our specialised classes separate. Though I was quick to notice that we had some blank spaces in our lesson timetables, like the rest of our classes they all were the same times for all of us. We all had an hour slot each day with nothing to fill it. Aurora as organised as she always was had her pack of papers and was quick to find out that they were blank because it was extra lessons we could pick ourselves to fill those five hours a week. This excited us all because we had no idea at that point what these extra classes were, as there was nothing in the pack to explain it. All we could make out from our timetable was they weren't normal classes, as they were all on the timetable already.

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