Chapter 9

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"You, I know you, Richard Ragnarson." The strange young man said to me. I had never seen him before, not in the hall and not the day I looked around Willow Springs. He was short, shorter than I was but looked stronger in his human form than I did. His hair at this point was medium length, parted down the middle, flowing down to both his cheeks. He didn't look friendly and a scar down his left cheek to the side of his mouth made him look grim. He looked into my glowing eyes from my transformation and didn't let go. In one swift motion, I twisted his arm around and had him on my knees.

"It's funny because he doesn't look like he knows you." Aurora quickly answered for me, bending down to look at my attacker in his eyes.

"It's funny because I wasn't talking to you witch!" he spat back before I twisted his arm harder. I was sure if I did it any harder it would have surely broken. "Arh you will break my arm God damn it."

"Answer her question," I replied, talking for the first time, even though in my transformed form it sounded more like a deep growl.

"Fine Ragnarson you win, My name is Harnard Wordthorpe."

"Wordthorpe? From Wordthorpe Corp?" Aurora quickly responded, I was glad she had heard of his family because I hadn't up until that point.

"The very same."

"Then what do you want with Richard?"

"When this school was founded there was a secret werewolf society known as Ultimate Werewolf Pack. My family was one of the founders and yours was the other. I am the head of the junior members and want you to join us."

"I think he will pass."

"That is not for you to decide."

"The answer is still no." I quickly replied, backing up what Aurora had said. "no leave me alone." I let go of his arm and gave him a kick up the bum as he crawled away from me, only stopping when he arrived at who I guessed was his two friends. They had their back to me so I didn't get a good look, they didn't even turn to face me when they picked him up off the ground. I had no idea what Aurora and I had done but knew we would find out in time.

"Richard you can snap out of it now." Aurora finally said when she was sure we were alone. I didn't even realise I was still in my werewolf form until she mentioned it.

"Sorry, Aurora I didn't mean to scare you. My father warned me to stay away from that group, that gang. He said they are bad news, in and out of the school. Once you join you never leave."

"So what are you going to do then?"

"Nothing, for now, nothing we can do."

Aurora smiled at me and took my hand and led me to a table and chairs in our classroom and lucky for us it was empty. I changed back and slumped down in one of the hard wooden chairs. It was padded on the bottom and top and covered in red velvet. It looked like it should have been comfy but it was far from it. I felt like all of my energy had been drained from me, it always took a lot out of me changing so rapidly and aggressive at a young age. It was less controlled than normal too, which always used a lot of effort to sustain. I felt my left hand shake uncontrollably but was quick to hide it from Aurora. We sat in silence for the next few minutes until Barnett and Bridget took a seat at our table. Aurora was quick to fill in our friends on what just happened, it didn't surprise Barnett as he had read something about the group in one of his diaries but Bridget knew nothing of them and just stayed quiet. I knew Barnett wouldn't let me join them and that thought helped comfort me.

Our conversation soon changed though, the classroom soon started to fill up with our fellow students, none of them other than my group of friends I knew, until Harnard came in, his face was stern and he walked past me without even looking at me and sat on the table furthest from us, with both his friends with his back to me. The classroom was loud with the sound of talking children, I tried to listen to what people were talking about but it wasn't possible in my human form. I caught a sliver of a conversation about meeting to explore the school grounds more, and another about what could be for lunch. It was all pretty normal and helped calm me a little, but I couldn't shake the feeling of been watched.

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