Chapter 13

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The weekend came quickly, and I must admit I was ready for the time myself to relax. The rest of my classes had been normal school classes. I was excited to have my first werewolf class but that wasn't until Monday. Barnett was quick to tell the girls about my dream and Lisa been Lisa wanted to find out what it meant. She said she had her own theory but didn't explain what it was. The logical part of my brain told me that it was because of reading the book the night before with Barnett, but I didn't tell the others I thought that. I didn't believe it myself; I may have months before, but not after what I had seen. Not after I found out what I was, no, there had to be another reason which would fit in with the new me, not the old me. Lisa had read half of her book, staying up half the night and reading it every waking second, she had spare. Hers was like the one Barnett and I had. It contained diaries of séances, but older than the book Barnett and I was reading. Wallace appeared again in hers, as well as a female ghost that would never give her name. All she would say is she fell in love with one of the Willows who found the school, but he was already married, and she died under strange circumstances. This made sense that the book was hidden, it wouldn't look good for that family secret to come out. Lisa insisted that we found out more about her, stating that she heard there were rumours of the families books hidden in the library somewhere and maybe they would contain the answer to who she was. She was very excited to find and those so-called books and wanted my help to find them. Aurora's and Bridget's book though was the oldest and dated back to the mid-1700s. Again, it contained Wallace and the mysterious female, but also a former student who died during an old werewolf ceremony which I had never heard of. The book said there is little information to be found on it and it was lost to time for over a thousand years. I hopped that it said later what the ceremony was, but they hadn't had much time to study the book to find out. I didn't understand though how they were able to find so much about those people when we couldn't even get our Ouija board planchette to move. I did think that the diaries could be fake like it was one big joke for students to stumble upon while looking for books on the subject. What made me dismiss this idea was that the handwriting from what I had seen was different in all the books and faded more than others, which said that some were indeed older than the others, also that they had multiple authors.

"What is the easiest way to find who this mysterious female ghost is?" Lisa asked as we walked to class. It was Friday and I was glad about it.

Lisa had asked to talk to me in private, so we had left ahead of the others. It caught me off guard when she had asked because since she had been included in our friendship group, we had all acted as a group. The others seemed okay with it, but when Lisa wasn't looking Barnett whispered to fill him later. I knew I couldn't get out of it so I nodded and said I would fill him in later when we were back in our room. I think Aurora and Bridget thought it was strange too, I caught Aurora give me the look she has given me since she was little that she wanted something explaining but all I could do was shrug.

"I guess to try and find the family tree for the Willows, my guess is there will be some record somewhere in the school," I replied.

"That makes sense, want to come with me at lunch and see what we can find?"

"Lunch? Can't you wait until after school is finished?"

"No, I really want to know who she is, don't you?"

"I guess but it's not going to be easy, if the book is correct and they didn't marry she won't be on the family tree. But she could be in some old school record if they go back that far."

"They do, but we will need permission to get into that part of the library."

Lisa and I tried to think of a reason to give to get to see the records, but we couldn't think of one, other than a personal curiosity in knowing the history of the school. Lisa was certainly more confident than me, so we decided to let her do the talking. By the time we were in our form room we had our plan of 'attack' all sorted out and was able to finish planning just before Barnett took his seat next to me. Moments later Mrs Haggatt walked in and the room went silent as usual. For a human in a room of supernatural children, she knew how to look confident and strong.

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