day 9

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the days following were a blur. everyone fighting for sympathy, like it was gold.

people who hadn't lived in the overwhelming emptiness you felt me in, were now crying down the halls and posting group pictures with embellished captions of their strong love and grief

people were drunk off the power your loss gave them, they weren't morning you, they weren't remembering you.

sympathy and empathy were the new currency, trading meaningless stories and

if these people only cared enough to try stop you.

maybe if i had only tried harder to awake you back up after they clipped your wings and moulded you into one of them.

if i could've only stopped living in the past, waiting for the day you came back to me. i could've seen past the surface

the parties, group pictures, fake smiles and never ending filler boyfriend. i thought you changing meant you were happier

i wish when you got tried of playing the straight, popular, pretty girl you knew that i'd already forgiven you.

robin i was still waiting for you, i never stopped waiting for you

i will never believe you just left me like this

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