day 3

3 0 0

i waited for the gossip, the rumours, anything. i just needed someone talk about you, to notice the void you had left in your absence

i listened down the halls, in the lunch dinning hall, on the bus nothing, had they all just forgotten your name so easily

it had been three days. i looked down the school halls as if i was examining the second picture in a spot the difference game. you were the only difference, the only inconsistency

it was eating me alive having no answers, i dont care the answer, i just want to know there was one to be told, if only i wasn't to scared to ask

i read your name on my phone again and again. my finger hovered the call icon, i closed my eyes as i pressed it and moved the phone to me ear.

i imagined how that phone call would go. imagined hearing you say a sweet hello. i smiled at the thought.

"the person you have dialled cant pick up the phone righ-" i hung up

i wrote you a message it consisted of the three saddest words i knew

"i miss you"

i never did press send.

RobinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora