day 5

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there was a dull pain in the back of my eyes, maybe it was from straining my eyes always searching for you around every corner.

i thought i saw you today

i turned to let someone come through a door behind me, just for a second i thought it was your outline

i felt stupid when i saw it was a reflection of my own shadow behind me. i could have sworn i felt a presence.

i felt goosebumps appearing on my body. was this was it was like to be haunted

i turned away with a little less hope than before. i wasn't sure when i'd see you again but i wasn't ready to accept the possibility i might not.

people did always say we looked similar but they would never fail to note that was about all we shared

i could never compete with your beauty or charm

you hated when people compared us,

i had never seen the apparent similarity but i gained confidence through the comparison to you

beautiful you

i could never quit fill your shadow
yet here i stand alone in your eclipse

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