1. Lead the Way

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Wen Kexing was in a bad mood and nobody dared to ask him why. He was always feared among the members and staff, not because of his 'special' practice, but because of his arrogant and prideful personality. Nobody really dared to dissatisfy him or they would either be fired or kicked out without any warning or reasonable explanation. His ego was too high to give second chances or even try to listen to other people's opinions, he considered himself superior in real life as he was in his practice.

He sat idly in the VIP room which he always stayed at, totally uninterested to meet any new comers or old members. Despite being picky with his 'choices', he had always enjoyed these encounters and looked forward to them; however, tonight he seemed utterly, completely, exceptionally bored.

He fanned himself and sipped his whiskey slowly, twirling the glass in his hand, admiring the golden liquid sparkling against the flickering lights, bored by the repetitive taste of it as well. "Boring." He sighed and placed it back down before pulling the dark red robe over his shoulder, fixing it with a loose knot around his waist.


"Unavailable." Wen Kexing rolled his eyes and yelled at the door. He felt bored by everyone and everything, nothing seemed to give him the pleasure he sought anymore.

"Zhuren, it's important." Liu Qianqiao knocked again, "Zhuren..."

Wen Kexing fixed his robe tighter and opened the door, "did something happen?" He asked, a bit fearful. Although no accident has ever happened in his club, yet he still feared others might accidentally lose control and cause him problems. Besides public humiliation, this was another fear of his. "Did anyone mess up?"

Liu Qianqiao shook his head, "No, Zhuren." She played guiltily with her fingers, "but..."

Wen Kexing was relieved at the first no, "what is it? Don't waste my time."

"It's about a new comer... a person who never came here before."

Wen Kexing clicked his tongue in irritation at the big deal Liu Qianqiao was making of the situation, "okay, what about them?"

Qianqiao exhaled, "Zhuren, may you please come with me so I can show you and explain?"

Wen Kexing squinted at her suspiciously, thinking of what could be so important that she can't say here and out loud. "This better be as important as you say it is." He said coldly and walked past her to the public area.

Everything seemed normal as he scanned the room for new faces until his eyes landed on him. Shoulder-length hair, long coat, tall boots; black, black, black. Through the dimly lit room, Wen Kexing could still see this man's striking features, perfectly shaped bones and elegant style. And wow, that waist and those shoulder blades... He oozed of a different aura and it shot Wen Kexing right through the heart.

Mesmerized, he cleared his throat and spoke to Qianqiao, his eyes never leaving the majestic man. "Who's that?"

"Zhuren, that's the new comer I told you about."

"Have you got his name?" Wen Kexing spoke as if he was under a spell.

Qianqiao bit her lip, "No... that's the problem. He never showed any ID and he wasn't interested in membership or anything like that..." She looked up at Wen Kexing, "Zhuren..."

"Ah?! How did he come in then?" He turned to her, furious at the recklessness of the staff.

Qinqiao gaped, "Th-they just let him in..."

"What the fuck?!" Wen Kexing was angry. He never and would never accept such carelessness in his club, "Who let him in? Tell them they don't need to come to work anymore." He caught a shot from a nearby waiter and gulped it quickly until the last drop. "I'll deal with it." He shoved the empty glass at Qianqiao and strode towards the man; every step he took was of anger and slight excitement that he refused to admit.

Red Switch [ZhouWen] 18+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat