∥ Hail HYDRA ∥

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The scene opens at a hotel a group of people walks through the lobby talking and laughing. The camera pans up and a shadow is shown walking across the glass roof. A woman in the group says, "Oh... Well, that's done." and then she continues, "Yeah. Half hour before last call?"

"This is so random!" Sam noted dully. "Is this the continuation from Loki?"

Vision noticed words appearing on the note. He read it, "No but it will give you a bit of insight."

"What kind of insight?" Steve asked warily.

"Mr. Barnes won't like it much but please reassure him on the reality a bit." Vision summarised from the note. 

"So this is about me?" Bucky asked emotionlessly. He had only one history that he or anyone else doesn't like. 

Vision nodded and he and Bucky had an eye-to-eye conversation for a second.

Then the man says, "I can't, guys. I have to prepare for tomorrow's session."

The woman asks, "Really?"

They all chuckle.

(Suddenly a metal arm smashes through the hotel wall and pulling up one of the bodyguards through it, The Winter Soldier uses the wall to lift himself up kicking another man in the chest)

It had all happened so suddenly that some even were frightened out of their wits.

"So, this is about that time?" Tony asked, not a single amount of enthusiasm on his face. 

No one answered him. 

(The Winter Soldier grabs the knife from his belt and throws it to another man. The Winter Soldier pulls a second knife from his boots, standing up as he stabs man in the throat killing him)

Bucky flinched at that. But he didn't turn his eyes away. He had to watch this, all of this. This is what he did.

(A/N:- Someone has to remind my boi that he was brainwashed :/)

(The man and his bodyguards run when they see him and one of them shot at Winter Soldier. He shot them back and killing them, he rolls over the banister falling down onto the stairs, he falls onto another man and he shoots behind him without looking behind and killing another bodyguard)

Everyone had to admit that besides the murder machine he is, Winter Soldier was an expert murder machine.

(The Winter Soldier turns quickly, throwing the knife into the man's chest. The Winter Soldier walks calmly toward his target grabbing him by the neck before shoves him backward throw the doors staring into his eyes and Winter Soldier chokes the man and he slowly slumps down on the floor)

Tony froze a bit. Didn't the same happen to his mother?

No, he shouldn't think of that. James Barnes was brainwashed into doing this. But it was his hand though. 'No Tony think of something else'

The winter soldier then says, "Hail HYDRA."

'And it was HYDRA, that made him do this.' Tony nodded his head absent-mindedly shook his head.

(The Winter Soldier turn his head to reveal the man trying to get into his room)

(Faint rattling)

The man curses and his breathing is noticeably panicked and repeats that he didn't see anything.

"I killed him too." Bucky looked frozen. "There can be no witnesses."

(A gunshot is heard and the screen blanks out.)

Once again, everyone flinched on sync.

(Bucky jumps awake revealing it was his dream as he breathes heavily)

"Your hair." Steve looks at the screen in reminisce.

"Guess I cut it, huh?" Bucky laughed a bit but it was so tense and fake that everyone noticed it.

(Yeah, you did Bucky but I am not going to say it looks better because you looked cute with long hair too.)


Hey guys!! 

Yes, I am in the updating mood once again.


I am going to take a slight poll. And the one with the most comments will be the next chapter.

1.Sam and Bucky rolling through the field?♥♥♥

2.The golden trio (Zemo, Sam, and Bucky.)

3.Isiah Bradley's scene?

4.Loki meeting his variant selves?

5.Sylki kiss?

6.do u like hurting people part?

7.Sharon the power breaker? ( a mix of people being scared of the power breaker and bam guess who she is?) 

8. or others? comment what you want. I went through the previous chapters to gather as much as I can...

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