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act i. brutal





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p.o.v. ]

I held the boxer shorts up with pride as soon as I hopped into the blue mini cooper, the girls woot-ing and exchanging a chorus of claps.

"Congratulations, my transcending sister. Now how did conquering that steep hill feel?" Cassidy pep-talked, as I smiled, simply thrown into a daze by the boy's slightly dimpled smile, tongue behind teeth and all. The way his goodbye had been left halfway, purposely. Lord knows, what that purpose would be though.

"Octoberrrr," Cassidy had dragged my name out, as I felt the vehicle's engine mini-roar to life before Cassidy had pulled out of the parking space and drove away.

"I'm not entirely sure," I mumbled. "Pretty good, I guess. As for the nudes, I don't know, Cassidy... Wouldn't that be going a little too far, or—"

"Exceeding times, exceeding measures." Cassidy said, smirking in amusement as she glanced at me through the rear view mirror. "All those kappa alpha psi frat-boys, they're all the same sob story, trust me. They're prone to the karma that hits them for breaking girls' hearts."

"That's definitely understandable, but um... How do you know?" I asked out of curiosity as she sighed, shaking her head.

"Calum Hood, the kid that was with Luke on gathering day, you remember him, right?" She glanced at me from the mirror that drooped down from the car's roof.

"Oh yeah." I nodded, remembering. Calum hadn't been too hard of a face to remember, he had dark hair and was just slightly a little shorter off than Luke had been.

"Well, my first year here at UCSB, I met him at one of the parties they'd host just about every goddamn week, and we hit it off quite nicely I'd say. After that, it was nearly every week I'd see the guy at the same party over the weekends, and well he asked me out one day in Advanced Physics class, and well we went exclusive. You see, everything seemed so great, up until he acted like he completely forgot who I was. I'm pretty sure you ladies know the rest to that story." Cassidy decided to end it there.

"Sorry, Cass." Amber said sadly from beside her, as she sighed, the girl holding onto her hand in comfort.

"Oh, sorry I even asked Cassidy." I regretted asking her, seeing how visibly tense she got at such a subject.

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