Merry Christmas (Mintomi)

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It's Christmas time again, and a certain mochi was sad as this year she wouldn't be able to go home to Japan and her family because of the virus. So now, she was stuck inside the dorm with the other J-line members and whoever decides to pity them and stay.

The other members, mainly Minjoo, did invite them to come and spend Christmas with their families, but the J-line members didn't want to impose. And while Hitomi wanted to spend Christmas with her girlfriend, she knew she had to stay and celebrate with her fellow Japanese in solidarity.

Minjoo also offered to stay behind with them, but the mochi firmly refused, knowing just how much the visual missed her family and wanted her to go home to them.

A knock on her room door interrupted her thought.

"Babe?" A smile made its way onto Hitomi's face when she saw her girlfriend.


"I'm leaving in a while, are you sure you don't want to come with me?" There Minjoo goes again being overly worried about her.

"I'll be fine Min, say hi to your family for me."

Minjoo made her way to settle down beside the shorter girl on her bed. "They want you there you know? My little sister especially, she practically adores you already, and I'm pretty sure my older brother likes you more than me too."

"As much as I want to, you know I want to spend time with Jline too."

"Alright, but you better not flirt with Chaewon-unnie while I'm gone!" The frog pouted.

"Coming from Ms. trailing my fingers towards Chaewon-unnie's inner thigh?" Hitomi raised an unimpressed eyebrow in response.

"Oh, would you look at the time! We're gonna be late for our date!" Spluttering out a response as Minjoo forgot about that particular choreography that they spent a day arguing about.

"I thought you were leaving? What date are you talking about?"

"Well it's not a date, date, considering it's going to be at our dorm, but I still prepared it with all my heart!" Practically melting at Minjoo's cuteness, Hitomi was touched that the taller girl would prepare a date before going home.

"Minjoo!" Screeching out the visual's name as she was lifted off her bed and carried bridal-style by the frog.

"Come on my princess, your last date of the year awaits!"

Wrapping her arms around Minjoo's neck, Hitomi had heart eyes while she was staring at her "prince" as the other girl has been calling herself ever since they first kissed, as according to her, the princess kissed the frog so now she's turned into a handsome prince.

"How are your noodle arms carrying me? And are you really going to carry all the way up the other dorm?"

"Yah! I've been working out you know! Your prince should be strong so that she can carry you around everywhere." Laughing at Minjoo's offended face when she said she had noodle arms, her eyes trailed towards the taller girl's biceps when she mentioned working out.

Raising an eyebrow in question, she gave it a firm squeeze, surprised that the other girl was telling the truth about working out.

"See babe? I've been working out for you, your sexy body motivates me to look hotter so that you'll always find me attractive!"

"That's disgusting unnie!" Arriving at the other dorm, they passed by Yujin who was about to go home for Christmas too.

"Yujin! I thought you left?" Minjoo asked the younger girl in surprise, slowly setting down Hitomi back on her feet.

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