Happy New Year (Mintomi)

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New Year, New Me, right?

That wasn't necessarily the case as Hitomi feels the same as she did last year, though she was hoping that 2021 will be an even better year than the last one.

She feels thankful that some of the other members stayed at the dorm for new year's to keep the jline company instead of going home to their families. but, once again she hoped she had the choice of staying or going home too.

An arm suddenly wraps around her shoulder, and she gazes up to look at the taller girl. Kim Minjoo with her indian dimples, and killer eye smile. How dare she stare at her like that, did she want her to die?

"Hii-chan let's go! I need some new glasses, how can I see your blinding beauty if all I can see are blurs." The taller girl was once again overreacting, she was wearing contact lenses for heaven's sake.

"And yes, I do now I have contacts, but they hurt my eyes so I don't like wearing them at home. Though even if all I see are blurs, whenever I look at you I can still see your beauty." There she goes again, making Hitomi blush like an idiot in love. The peach wonders just how the frog became so smooth, especially since the taller girl couldn't even look at her in the eyes when she confessed to her.

They finally arrived at the optometrist and Hitomi said a silent thanks because she wouldn't have to listen to flirty Minjoo anymore.

"Hiichan! Look at this, you'll look so sexy if you wear these specs!" She stands corrected, letting out a sigh, Hitomi resigns herself to her fate.

Looking back she wonders what made her say yes to this dumb frog's confession, it must have been the fact that the taller girl's clumsy confidence cowardness charmed her.


"What if she says no?!" Hitomi heard Minjoo's voice from outside her room, with walls as thin as paper. It's kind of hard not to listen in.

"She won't! Now stop being a coward and knock!" That was definitely Yuri's voice, of course it would be those two causing mayhem.

"I don't want to anymore! I'm backing out, let's just do this another day and---"

"Shut up you stupid frog! I did not pay for KkuChaen to go on a date and bribe Wonyoung with a week's supply of mintchoco to make sure you have the dorm to yourselves just for you to chicken out!"

Raising a brow when she heard Nako's voice join the conversation, so it seems the rest of the 01 liners left her out of something. The question is though, what the hell did they plan and why was she not informed? Was it something too crazy that they had to get everyone else out of the dorm? Oh no, what if they planned something that they knew she wouldn't approve of?

"Either you knock on the door or I knock you out!" She heard Yuri threaten Minjoo.

"Just knock me out, anything is better than this!" Minjoo wailed out.

"Why. are. you. such. a. coward." Hitomi is pretty sure that Nako just hit Minjoo after every word she said.


Hitomi was suddenly worried when it seemed like the three of them stopped making any noise. She was just about to get up and check on them when she heard it.

*knock knock*

"Hii-chan? Are you awake?" Minjoo asked her, the frog was trying to sound stable, but Hitomi could hear the slight tremble in the other girl's voice.

"Yup, come in!" The peach didn't really know what was about to happen, but when Minjoo entered the room looking more nervous than the day of the produce48 announcement, she knew something big was about to take place.

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