Memories (8)

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A/N: Hello dear viewers! I want to thank you for to continuing to read, even though I update slow. I want to thank you for your patience, and supporting me through this. Im glad you are enjoying this enough to continue to read! This was 2870 words long, so I hope you enjoy! Peace out homies

Tsumugi screamed as she caught (Y/N) in her arms, alarming the other students around you. Shuichi, Kaito, Himiko, and Maki all ran towards the loud noise. Shuichi had arrived there first, being he was the closest. He looked at Tsumugi in fear and curiosity. "What happened here?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Im unsure," Tsumugi responded in panic. "We were having a conversation, and she suddenly blacked out!" she stared into the others eyes. The male was going to respond, but the others arrived. "Is that (Y/N)?' Himiko asked in a low voice.

Tsumugi simply nodded in response, continuing to hold (Y/N). "OH NO MAKI-ROLL WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Kaito exclaimed, going into a full panic mode. Maki grunted at the nickname she was given. "Obviously bring her to bed.. she could get sick out here." She mumbled, playing with the ends of her hair.

"RIGHT!!" Kaito got over his panic, and had grabbed (Y/N) from Tsumugi. "Ill bring her to her room Tsumugi, why dont you tell Maki-Roll and my sidekick what happened. YOU-!" he pointed at the little red headed mage "COME WITH ME! ILL NEED YOU TO OPEN THE DOOR!" Himiko whined quietly and followed close behind the loud man.

Shuichi just stood there awkwardly, before looking back at the cosplayer to interrogate her. "So what were you two talking about?" The blue haired girl just smiled softly. "Oh, just about the killing game," she wasnt lying.. "I was confiding in her. She didnt seem like the type to spill everyones secrets." She looked down at her feet.

Shuichi nodded, taking all the information and analyzing it. The words she had told him didnt seem like lies. "If Im being honest.." Tsumugi continued. "Im actually really scared. Of everyone here, including you Shuichi. (Y/N) is so strong.. I wanted to know how she hid it. Or if she was even scared." She teared up. She was really trying to sell it.

The young detective looked up at Tsumugi, feeling awkward. He doesnt know how to really comfort people. But something she said really bugged him.. so he pressed forward. "Wait... you said you were scared of everyone. Doesnt that mean you are scared of (Y/N) too? I mean, not only did you go alone.. she's also been proven to be a murderer. What made you want to speak to a killer in a murder based game?"

Tsumugi gritted her teeth slightly. These people just wont leave her alone, will they? "Well.." she went on to speak, but a certain announcement came on. Monodam was on the screen "OFFICAL-ANNOUNCEMENT-FROM-THE-ULTIMATE-ACADEMY...IT-IS-NOW-10-PM.." She was saved by the bell. "..EVERYONE-IS-OUT-ON-WORK-DUTY.. BEDTIME-URSINE." The monitor turned off and everyone went silent. Maki shook her head, "We should get some sleep.." she started walking towards the dorms, then looked back at Tsumugi "We'll pick this back up tomorrow." she glared, then continued onward. Shuichi sighed "Ill see you tomorrow. Dont worry about (Y/N), like you said.. she is strong. Sleep well." He waved back to her as he walked away.

The mastermind sighed in relief, and began to follow in the others footsteps. She was safe.. for now at least. No one will actually accuse her, shes far too weak and plain. (Y/N) will wake up tomorrow, and everything will go as planned. Tsumugi walked into her room, a smirk on her face. She plopped onto her bed happily, ready for tomorrow to begin...


I woke up, feeling sort of sick. "Great, its barely been a minuet and this day is already shitty." I groaned and stood up out of bed. I walked to my bathroom and just stared into the mirror. I had another night of restless sleep, and my dark circles seem to give that fact away. I splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up, and practiced my smile in front of the mirror. I then took a quick shower and gotten dressed for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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