No Escape (7)

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I woke up, my head pounding. I looked around my room. I dont remember how I got here. I looked down at my hands, which are now soaked in blood. My eyes widened in shock- my brain easing in and out of reality at this point. What happened? How did I end up like this? Tears slowly streamed out of my eyes...

"(Y/N)!" I snapped out of my trance, looking around at everyone. They all stared at me, a few of them giving me confused looks and a few sympathetic stares. I chuckled and scratched the back of my head, "Sorry, I was in a daze. Everything okay? What did I miss?" I tilted my head with a small smile

Kokichi sighed "God (Y/N), to think I thought you were somewhat smart. This is a killing game after all, you daze out at the wrong second then BOOM!" he clapped his hands in front of my face, making me lean back. "You're dead." The liar smirk right before laughing. "No one would care anyway so go ahead~ It would make this much more interesting."

I glared holes into his head. He isnt wrong but.. he didnt need to say it like that. Kaito grumbling and grabbed Kokichi by the back of his shirt. "Take that back! We all would care about (Y/N)'s death! Isnt that right side kick?" he looked back at Shuichi, waiting for a response

The timid male tried to hide himself from the stares of his fellow peers. "Y-yes, of course.." he muttered, covering his mouth with his hand. Kaito grinned, happy with the response. He pulled Kokichi tighter "See that? We just proved you wrong!" He laughed

The smaller male started to tear up. "Kaito- youre hurting me.." He whined with a pout. He groaned and looked back at me, "Do your job body guard!" I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. I dashed behind Kaito and used my left hand to tilt his jaw up, pushing my right index finger right above his jugular. "I need you to put the small fry down..." I whispered in his ear. He instantly let my client go, slightly shivering in fear

Kokichi stood in silence, before smirking to himself. "You deserve a raise for that (Y/N)! You can let him go now." I simply scoffed and stepped back, after muttering a sorry to Kaito. He just grunted in response and walked out the dinning hall, everyone's eyes on him

The liar grinned and shouted after Kaito "Take that spacenut! Dont you ever think of messing with me again!" he crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at the door. I rolled my eyes and looked at the rest. My peers just stared at me in a mix of disbelief and awe. Kokichi looked at me and then started to walk out. I knew that was my que to leave as well. I glanced at Maki before stepping out after Kokichi


I was walking a few feet behind my employer as he skipped around the courtyard. I just wanted to go back to sleep after this but nOoOoOoOoOooo. I held my hands behind my back and fallowed Kokichi

He suddenly stopped. I stopped as well, and looked over his shoulder to see the hold up. I hummed and looked down, seeing that we are waiting on a ladybug that is crossing our path. Kokichi was staring down at it patiently. "What are you doing...?"

"I could kill this thing if I wanted to." He replied

"That doesnt answer my question Kokichi."

"I JUST GOT AN IDEA!" He spun around to look at me. He smirked and stepped closer "You should call me master from now on!"

I glared at him, a small blush coming onto my face. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" I shouted back, Kokichi now frowning. "C'moooooon why not?" He pouted

"BECAUSE I SAID NO!" I huffed, standing straight up. "That is very unprofessional. Not to mention, creepy." I pointed out. He sighed then tapped his feet with his arms crossed as if he is thinking

His face than lit up with a smile, "How about boss then?" I shook my head in response. "Better than master, but no, absolutely not. Whats wrong with just calling you Kokichi?"

"Thats no fun." he whined, before nodding. "Fine. From now on you shall call me Mr. Kokichi. No buts, no nuts, no coconuts." He grinned and started to walk away, the lady bug flying away. I groaned silently.. Im definitely going to regret this. "Ill just call you boss then.." I sighed softly, giving into his crazy commands. His posture went from slouching to completely straight, most likely meaning he liked that answer


Third Person

(Y/N) was sitting on the table near the dorm rooms. The sun was starting to set, casting a gorgeous orange shine on her hair. She was playing with a flower she had found when Kokichi had went to his dorm

Tsumugi walked up the the assistant, looking at her up and down. (Y/N) looked at the female, sitting up to look professional. "Is there something you need help with, Miss Shirogane?" She smiled softly and shook her head "No need to be so formal (Y'N), were all the same here."

(Y/N) chuckled and nodded, "I guess you're right in that sense. So, what brings you out here Tsumugi?" she suddenly got the sense to not trust the cosplayer... and her intuition was usually right, scary right. Tsumugi shrugged and sat next to (Y/N)

"I saw you sitting by yourself... so I thought I should give you company. I understand if you want me to leave.. who would want someone as plain as me to hang out with.." She softly muttered. The assistant cringed slightly at the self demeaning comment. She softly patted the others shoulder in a reassuring way. "Thats not true, I like having you around." She smiled warmly

Tsumugi smiled back, making (Y/N) feel uneasy. It seemed so fake... so dangerous. She cant trust Tsumugi... she shouldnt even be talking to her at this point. "You know (Y/N).." The said girl tilted her head "Yes? What is it?"

"I know you know."

"... Know what?"

"Dont play dumb with me."

(Y/N) looked down for a second. It then clicked. "You mean my dreams... dont you?" She looked back up at the blue haired girl. Tsumugi nodded. (Y/N) then put two and two together. "Those are not dreams.. theyre memories. How did you know...?" She stood up, taking a few steps back

"You werent supposed to be in this game... but oh well, youre here. Nothing we can do about that." Tsumugi smirked and stood up as well, taking slow steps towards the other. (Y/N) stared at the other in fear, standing still as Tsumugi wrapped her arm around her waist. She used her free hand to grab (Y/N)s, a smirk on her face

The (H/C) girl gulped, "Youre the one who made this game... youre the mastermind, arent you?" Tsumugi hummed in response as a yes. (Y/N) gasped, making the other smirk. "Now that we are no longer faking, lets make a deal." The mastermind grinned, pulling (Y/N) closer to her

"What deal...?" She muttered, genuinely fearing for her life. Tsumugi sighed softly "You work for me... and Ill asure that you make it out alive. Of course youll have to play along, play nice with everyone butttt... youll help me make sure someone kills. And do other chores I give you of course."

(Y/N) thought to her self. Could she betray her friends like that..?

"Ill take it."

Tsumugi smirked "Good. Ill have a map of the school sent to you, itll show secret rooms for you you meet me and do your jobs." (Y/N) nodded, the others grip loosening. The mastermind then smiled "Almost forgot~" She pulled out a pill bottle and poured one blue pill onto her hand. "It isnt poison if you think that." She forced the pill into the other females mouth. (Y/N) swallowed it, then started feeling dizzy. She held her arm out to catch herself in case she falls

She looked up at Tsumugi before falling into her arms. "Its just a precaution, to make sure you dont betray me. Remember... I always have my eye on you." She whispered into her ear before (Y/N) blacked out


I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I am so sorry it took so long to post it- life just has been very chaotic and left me barely any time. Please forgive me on that lol

See yall next time~!

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