Valentines Day 💕

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I woke up like every other person. Seeing my room, my posters, my door, etc. Except unlike every other person, I was dreading today.

Today was valentines day... and I hated valentines day. But I have to get up.

I sadly sat up and stretched, and got ready for the long day ahead of me. Did I want to do this? No! I wanted to stay in bed all day and wallow in my self pity. But can I? ....No...

I put on my school uniform and headed down stairs. I grabbed some toast and waved goodbye to my parents. I quickly walked outside and saw everyone walking to school and driving around on the road

'Pretty busy for 8 a.m.' I thought to myself. I just gobbled up my toast and began to walk to school

My neighbor started to walk behind me. I sighed and looked at him from the corner of my eye "The hell do you want?"

His purple eyes met mine. He twiddled with his thumbs and gulped "N-Nothing (Y/n)! Just walking to school..." he responded in fear

"Dont walk so close idiot!! People will think I know you!!" I turned my head straight forward

"B-But you do..." he sighed and slowed his pace

"Yeah,,, thats the problem."

I finally made it to school, my bag over my shoulder. I looked around at everybody. They all look happier then usual, but thats to be expected.

"Yo (Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice yell for me. I smiled and turned around to see a big goofy grin. "Yo, Kaito!!"

"How is your morning? Nevermind dont tell me, I dont care." I laughed and nudged him in the shoulder

"Wow thanks bud for showing me ya care!!" I responded jokingly

Kaito laughed and started to walk with me to my locker. "So who are you going to ask to be your valentine?" he asked me

I glared at him in return "You know how I feel about today."

Kaito waved his hands. "Oh c'mon (Y/n)!"

I huffed. "Why dont you finally ask Maki roll to be your valentine hmm?"

He blushed in response
"Thats what I thought." I stuck my tongue out at him.

The bell rang, signaling it was time to start the day. I sighed and waved goodbye to Kaito and walked into class. I sat beside Gonta, who was this huge guy. He barely talked, but he sure likes to glare at people.

Across from me was that fragile purple haired loser, Kokichi, who was also my neighbor. I would catch him staring at me a lot, and he would just try to play it off. Its creeping me out

After a few more classes came, it was finally lunch. I ran to the cafeteria, got some gross food from it, and sat down at a table full of my friends. I smiled and we all started talking

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