Class trial..? (4)

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Kokichis POV

"Tch. She is such an idiot- About as dumb as that dumb ass cumdumpster." I muttered to myself. The girls figure faded from my eyesight as she walked out of the room. Maki glared up at me in return.

I showed no fear and smiled "Ya know, if you continue to look like that, your face is going to get stuck." I laughed maliciously. The pigtailed girl just growled and looked down.

After a moment or two of silence, we heard (Y/N) scream. I, for some odd reason, jumped up and ran to the door. That was the moment, when I heard that dreadful announcement:

"A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!" Monokuma a voice rang. After that, I didn't listen. My eyes were blank as my thoughts ran through my head.

'What if that was (Y/N)?!! Oh please tell me she is okay!! I know I shouldn't care but I can't help myself- WHY DO I CARE ANYWAY?! She is just a helpless pathetic girl!!'

But I couldn't stop myself from running out the room, my mind set on making sure (Y/N) was safe.


I had fallen down and scooted back, my hand over my mouth. The detective and pianist ran up to me.

"(Y-Y/N)?! Are you okay??" Kaede asked frantically. Shuichi started to panic and looked at me in horror. I gulped at pointed to where I saw the body.

Their heads slowly turn to the direction of the now dead Rantaro. They both, at the same time, ran over to him. I smirked to myself and slowly stood up.

'I should be the ultimate actor.' I watched them start to shake. That is the normal, human reaction to death anyway. Well, if you aren't me.

Soon, as to be expected, the others ran in. The first one being Kokichi. I stared at him, seeing the worry and panic in his blank eyes. The color slowly returned to them, and he looked me up in down. He seemed to be relieved somehow.

I tilted my head in confusion. Kokichi shook his head vigorously and smiled. "So, who was the bastard that FINALLY dropped dead? Who died and got this game started? Iwas getting boooorrreeed!!"

Me, in my persona, glared. "You insensitive prick-!!" I was about to continue but Kaede stoped me. "It was... Rantaro."

"Yo, (Y/N)!!" Miu shouted for me. I turned my head to look at her and smiled. "Yes, Miss Miu?" I asked sweetly.

The inventor smiled. "I need your assistance. Get your ass over here!" She motioned for me to come over to her. I walked to her, my hands folded together in front of me.

She chatted with me and explained what  her contraption was. She asked me to look over it and give her my thoughts. Which I did- and she is a wonderful inventor.

I was being called left to right, while Kokichis eyes followed me. I couldn't help to wonder why he was watching me like a hawk.

Soon time flied by. Although I helped everyone, I was able to hold my own investigation. I am unsure if I am completely correct in my suspect, but I am 85% sure that it is Miss. Kaede Akamatsu.

I slowly walked into the elevator, feeling nervous. I was reviewing my case as everyone else stood silently.


I stood by as I watched Kaede and Shuichi solve the case. Now I am positive that Kaede is the culprit.

"(Y/N)." Maki called for me. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yes Miss Maki?"

"You're the killer... aren't you?" This made me confused. Where could I be the killer?

The truth behind the lie  *Kokichi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now