The deal (6)

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"Body guard?!!" I looked at the purple fellow with confusion.

"Uh, yeah, thats what I said." Kokichi looked down at his nails, then back up at me. "Are you okay in there, (Y/n)? I think you're becoming even more stupid. Like, Kaito stupid."

I huffed and messed with the collar of my shirt. "I am fine, thank you very much. And Kaito isn't stupid!! He is just.... very unaware of things." He smiled awkwardly.

"In other words," Kokichi smiled and crossed his arms "Stupid." I sighed and pinched my nose. He laughed and played with his hair. "So like, you gonna answer me?"

I stared at my feet for a moment, then thought of a great idea. "I will.. IF you be kind to everyone for an entire day." I smirk, knowing full well he isn't able to do it. He smiled back at me, and held his hand out for me to shake.

"Deal." The leader said as we shook hands. He then wiped his hand on his shirt. "Ew, (Y/n) germs." I scoffed as he laughed.

After a short chit chat, we both went our separate ways. I decided to check out the casino, while Kokichi did Kokichi.

I walked in and saw Shuichi and Kaito. I smiled and walked over to them "Hey guys." I waved. They both looked up when hearing me, and Kaito grinned.

"Whats up (Y/n)!" He responded. The other softly smiled and waved back slightly. "Hello (Y/n).."

"I dont think Ive been here yet." I looked around the magnificent building. "Its pretty big!! And it has tons of games." Kaito informed me in a very excited tone. I looked back at him and nodded.

  "As you can guess, its a casino." Shuichi added "Everything here costs a few of these coins as a bet." He tossed one of those Monokuma coins.

I caught it as it flipped and smiled. "Call it." The astronaut then grinned "Heads!! Heads!!" "Alright, Shuichi you're tails." He just shrugged in response.

I opened my hand, and held it out for the boys to see the coin. "Its heads." Kaito then jumped around like a toddler, causing me to giggle. "I won, I won, I won, woohoo!!" He cheered. Shuichi chuckled quietly, also amused by the others behavior.

"Alright Kaito, calm down. I actually have a favor to ask of you two." I clasped my hands as the detective looked at me in curiosity. The purple haired male finally became quiet, giving me his attention.

"Now, me and Kokichi had made a bet. He had to be kind to everyone here for the rest of the day to get his reward. So I was wondering..." I looked at the two of them, letting the suspense kick in "..if you two could watch him for me. Make sure he is doing his side."

Kaito laughed, and Shuichi sighed. "Kokichi? Nice? Those two do not mix whatsoever." Kaito said in between his laughs. I growled, which got him to shut up. "Y-you're being serious...?" "Yes, of course I am." I glared.

Shuichi crossed his arms "I guess I could do it.. if it helps makes up for my actions earlier." I smiled "Thank you Shuichi!"

  "Ill help too!! Anything to help a friend in need. Thats what a hero does! Right sidekick?" Kaito nudged Shuichis shoulder. I laughed quietly as the said male rubbed his arm. "Y-yeah..." he responded.

I grinned "Thank you, for assisting the assistant." I giggled. The pair smiled back at me, Kaito giving me a thumbs up. We started to walk around, playing different games, having some fun.

After awhile, I waved goodbye to my friends and walked towards the courtyard. I sat down and stared up into the sky. That moment is when Kokichi decided to attack.

The truth behind the lie  *Kokichi x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now