Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Part 1 (Brett's Apartment)

Dawson walked into the apartment and saw Brett sitting on the couch reading. She looked up when Dawson walked in. Dawson ran over to Brett and hugged her. They pulled apart. "Thank you." Dawson said "Thank you...that was amazing." Brett smiled at her "Your welcome." She said. "How did you do that calligraphy so nicely?" Dawson asked. "Years of practice years and years of practice." Brett said. "It was so beautiful." Dawson told her tears in her eyes. 

Later Dawson and Brett are sitting on the couch talking. "So...Dawson how are you and Casey doing?" Brett asked. "I'm not really sure..." Dawson said uncertainly. "I mean the nursery was absolutely amazing and I'm so glad that you guys did that for me ....but I'm still not sure where we stand." Dawson said with a sad look on her face. "I have an idea of how to fix our work situation but....I can't do it until after my year of candidacy is over." Dawson told her. "Okay well what is it?" Brett asked her. "Well...I was talking to Kelly earlier and I had an idea...if I switched to rescue squad then Casey and I wouldn't have the problem of him being my boss. So that would solve a lot of problems...I wouldn't have to worry about Casey treating me differently or punishing me for things I did at work at home because he wouldn't be in charge of disciplining me I would just have to take a few more classes to able to switch over. But I would have to wait until my year of candidacy is over." 

Chapter 20 Part 2 (Brett's Apartment) 

Dawson was sitting in her bedroom when Brett walked in and sat on the bed. "Hey Dawson I'm going to go away for a few days with Joe are you going to be okay here by yourself?"  Brett asked. "Yeah I'll be fine Brett don't worry about it. I used to live by myself before I moved in with Casey remember?" Dawson said smiling at Brett. "Yeah I know but you weren't pregnant then." Brett said worriedly. "Brett I'll be fine don't worry go have fun!" Dawson said. "Plus if anything baby related happens I'll just call Casey." Brett gave her a look. "What? As long as it's baby related it's fine. He is the father. "Dawson said."Yeah okay. I just...I just I worry about you girl." Brett said giving Dawson a smile. 

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