Chapter 44 (Diner/Next Shift)

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Chapter 44 Part 1 (Diner)

Robert's POV

Robert was sitting at the diner talking to his friend Loretta who was acting as his lawyer. "Okay so we do have a problem with the fact that there are two eyewitness' who are most likely going to be on Mr. Casey's side. That's going to cause some issues. So we need to come up with a plan of how to get around that. Do you know those two girls at all?" Loretta asked. "No not really. I know I Gabriela a little bit because she gave me her information when she hired me as her nanny but other than that no. I just met the other girl outside of the firehouse and saw she looked like Gabriela." Robert told her. "Okay. Yes so they will cause some problems but if I ask the right questions then we could sort of trap them." She said. She looked thoughtful for a few minutes. "If we didn't have the eyewitness'..." She said hesitantly. Robert thought for a moment and then an evil smile spread over his face like a grinch. "Would them being gone help the case?" Robert asked. "Well yeah it would definitely help. But I don't think that that's possible. I doubt that they would give up testifying." Loretta said. "Oh trust me. There are ways. There are many many ways." Robert said. an evil smile spread over his whole face.

Chapter 44 Part 2 (Next Shift)

Dawson was standing in the laundry room at the firehouse putting clothing in the dryer when Trini walked in carrying a basket of laundry. "Hey Dawson." She said putting her basket on top of the washing machine and starting to load things in. "Hey I heard of this cool new bar downtown. You wanna go check it out sometime?" Trini asked. "Yeah sure when?" Dawson asked as she closed the door to the dryer. "How about tomorrow?" Trini said to her. "Tomorrow?" Dawson said questioningly trying to think if she had anything happening tomorrow. "Yeah sure." She said I just have to tell Casey. "You wanna ask Brett too?" Dawson asked. "Yeah sure sure." Trini told her.

The next night Trini walked up to Dawson's apartment and knocked on the door. Dawson opened the door holding Leslie. "Hey Trini come on in. I just have to put Leslie down and then we can go. Just come sit down and I'll be right there." Trini went to go sit down on the couch. A few minutes later she came out ready to go. "Okay let's get going." She said. Trini got up and started to follow Dawson out the door. "Is Sylvie meeting us there?" Trini asked. "Yeah she said she'll meet us there in an hour." Dawson told her. "Okay great." Trini said ducking her head to get into the car.

Dawson and Trini got out of the car and started to walk into the bar. Dawson paused when she saw a familiar looking car. But she shook off the thought and walked inside the bar after Trini.

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