Chapter 21 Part 1 (Molly's)

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Chapter 21 Part 1 (Molly's)

The next morning Dawson woke up and got ready to go work at Molly's. After she got out of the shower she saw that she had a text from Brett.

[Hey how are you? You okay?]

Dawson chuckled. 'She's such a worrywart. Just one of the reasons her and Cruz are perfect for each other.' She thought.

She wrote back.

[Yeah I'm fine Brett you don't have to worry so much: ) ]

She finished getting ready to go to Molly's and then walked out the door.

When she got to the bar she parked her car across the street. She started to walk across the street, just as she was about to step on the sidewalk she heard the whoosh of a car she turned around and saw a car rushing toward her. Her eyes widened and she jumped on the sidewalk. Just as she got on the sidewalk she saw the car go by the place where she had just been standing. Gabby stood frozen in place on the sidewalk as she watched the car drive away.

Chapter 21 Part 2 (Molly's/Next Shift)

"Whoa" Gabby said looking after the car. Then, she turned around and started to walk to Molly's. Then she noticed something. There Casey was standing at the door to Molly's. Dawson stopped in her tracks. Casey ran towards her. "Gabby! Are you okay?" He asked her frantically. "Yeah Matt I'm fine! I'm fine!" Gabby told him. Matt held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "You sure?" He asked. Gabby nodded. "Yeah,yeah I'm fine" Gabby told him. "Okay good. You have to be more careful Gabby!" He exclaimed. "I'm fine Matt it's okay." Gabby said placing her hand on the side of his face and smiling at him. Then they walked into Molly's.

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