Chapter 39 (Next Shift/Molly's)

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Chapter 39 Part 1 (Next Shift)

Gabby clapped her hands together. "Okay!" She said. "Here let me show you the locker room." Dawson said walking off and motioning for Trini to follow her. Trini hiked her bag further up on her shoulder and followed. "Okay there's your locker right there." Dawson said pointing to the locker. "We all have our names on the locker in masking tape but you can do that later." Dawson told her. "Okay." She said opening the locker and placing her things inside. "So which ones yours?" Trini asked. "That one right over there. Says Dawson on it." She said pointing. Then she walked over and opened and started looking through her things. Trini came and stood behind Dawson and Dawson moved more squarely in front of her locker looking over her shoulder. "Oh sorry." Trini said moving away. Dawson closed her locker then. "You all set? You wanna go back out?" Dawson asked. Trini nodded following Dawson out. "Was that a picture of your baby in your locker?" Trini asked her. "Yeah it was her name's Leslie." Dawson said smiling and looking over at Casey. "Oh are you two..." Trini asked motioning to her and Casey. "Yeah he's Leslie's father and my boyfriend." Dawson told her smiling.

Chapter 39 Part 2 (Molly's)

It was the end of shift and everyone was getting ready to leave. "Hey Martinez" Dawson said. Trini turned around. "Me Hermann and Otis own a bar called Molly's and I'm working there tonight at about 8:00 PM and a bunch of people from here and District 21 are gonna hang there tonight you wanna come?" Dawson asked her. Trini thought for a second before answering. "Sure why not?" Trini said.

Later Dawson was working at the bar when Trini walked up and sat down on one of the bar stools. Dawson looked up. "Hey Trini. Great first shift." Dawson said to her. Trini pursed her lips in disappointment at herself. "I don't know I mean I kind of messed up on that one call. I don't think I made the best first impression." She said to Gabby. "No no listen. Just because you messed up on one call doesn't mean that impression will carry over. I made a mistake on my first shift too last year and this was after everyone had already known me for years." Dawson said to her. "You were the candidate last year?" Trini asked. "Yeah I was. Just transferred to squad a few months ago. A little bit after my maternity leave ended. I was training throughout my whole maternity leave since I knew I had to get back in shape." Dawson told her. "Cool. So you were the first girl there?" Trini asked. Dawson's face darkened and she shifted her stance as she stood there silently. "You okay?' Trini asked cocking her head to the side. "There was another female firefighter...she was a candidate at the same time as me. But...she...she never made it." Dawson said, sadness in her eyes.

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