Warning And A New Friend

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Kion and Kovu were walking around the pridelands talking and having fun. "How could your mom do that to you" "I don't know, my mom has been trying to turn me into a fighter since I was born". Kion just looked at him with concern, then he gave Kovu a friendly nuzzle to help comfort him. Kovu blushed a deep red and then Kion had an Idea to play tag and Kovu agreed. They ran around for a while when Kovu was tackled by another lion. Kion immediately ran and head-butted the lion and it went flying about 5 feet away, the lion got up and Kion recognized it as the king. He immediately ran over and helped him up and apologized. "I am sorry your majesty I was just trying to protect my new friend" "that is ok young lion but this cub is the son of one of our sworn enemies and he is not allowed to be here" "but your majesty just because he is their son does not automatically make him evils or cruel like them, will you please leave him alone if I promise to take care of him and keep him out of trouble"? "Fine". Then the king leans down and whispers in Kion's ear, "but if he gets in so much as an ant's worth of trouble then he and your family will be out of here". Kion looked at him surprised but accepted his offer and turned around to make sure Kovu was alright but then saw he was unconscious. He ran over and picked him up then brought him to Rafiki's tree, (Rafiki is the mandrill that lives in the hollowed-out tree), he was hesitant at first but soon accepted and began to heal him. Kion then looked over at his mom and saw her body begin to stir and then she opened her eyes. When she saw Kion her face lit up and she hugged him. He ran over and hugged her as tight as he could like he was afraid that she would disappear in his arms. "Mom! I am so glad you are ok" "me too son, uh, who is that". His mother asked pointing towards Kovu, "oh that is Kovu I met him earlier today. He had some trouble with his mom" "well ok but be careful you don't know who he is". Kion looked at her with a little anger, "yes I do mom, he is my friend, and that won't change". Little did he know Kovu was listening to what he said and tears were escaping his eyes. "Ok, Kion I am sorry I believe you if he is your friend then he is mine too".

Lion Guard: Kion prince of the four elementsWhere stories live. Discover now