Blood Bath

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The next day Kion woke up to Kovu cuddling him in Rafiki's tree, then Kion remembered what happened and began to whimper. "Kion what's wrong, why are you whimpering" "I'm sorry Kovu I'm just upset about what happened I snapped at all of them, and no-" "wait a second, Kovu di-did you kiss me" "uhhh- yeah I did. Look Kion I like you a lot and I get it if you don't like me the same wa-". Kovu was cut off by Kion kissing him. Kovu was shocked but melted into the kiss. Just as Kovu was about to say something Simba ran in with the angriest face you could imagine. "You". He said with venom in his voice. "You called them here, this is your fault". Kovu was shocked and confused not knowing what had happened. " what are you talking about I never called anyone" "oh really, then explain why Zira and her lionesses are attacking the pridelands" " I-I don't know, look I can't tell you why they are attacking but I can tell you that I didn't do it". The king seemed to ponder this for a moment then he turned around and told them to follow him. As they followed the king they saw the pridelands lit a flame and lions and lionesses fighting each other. There was blood splattered on the ground and the trees around them. They arrived at pride rock and they were horrified at what they saw lionesses were dead on the ground with gashes all over their bodies and blood was pouring out of them. They ran to the royal den and saw Kiara, Nala, Amaru, and Arafa being pinned down by Zira and her lionesses. Kovu and Kion ran over, Kovu shoved his mom off of Nala and Kiara, and Kion ran over and nocked The lionesses off his mother and father sending them flying to the wall. When they landed they did not move. "KOVU!!! How dare you do that to me" "You," Kovu said, "are not my mother" "fine then you are not my son. Lionesses attack". Zira's lionesses began to surround them pushing them back against each other. Kion turned to Kovu and said "together"? "Together" Kovu replied. They turned back around and Kovu began controlling the plants and used them to attack the lionesses while Kion was using the four elements to injure the lionesses enough so that they would stop fighting. Then Kion heard a scream, he turned around and saw that Zira had attacked Kovu and gave him a deep gash on his back left leg. He was so enraged that his powers just kicked in and his eyes turned a crimson blood red, pride rock began to rumble and crack, the water in the watering hole sunk into the ground, the fires that burned all across the pridelands dies out, and the air grew so heavy it got hard to breathe. Then the blood in Zira's body drained from her and then in a flash the blood rushed back so fast that it began to overflow and the more that came the bigger her body grew until it hit its limit and then flood began to pour out her eyes, her mouth, and her ears. Then she blew blood covering the royal den and everyone in it. It was over. The battle was over.

Lion Guard: Kion prince of the four elementsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum