A Terrible Mistake

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After Kion's mother woke up Rafiki went to go get his dad, soon they both arrived back at the tree and Amaru immediately ran over to hug his mate. After a short talk with the old mandrill He walked over to Kion and told his son that his mother was fully healed and would come to the den at Priderock. (Simba allowed them to live in the royal den). As they were all walking back Kion's father asked the same question his mother did about Kovu and he gave the same answer. When they reached Priderock the lions there got into their fighting positions, which Kion thought Looked a little unsteady and that he could have easily knocked them down, but nonetheless Kovu backed up afraid of what might happen. Then Kion moved in front of him and spoke to the lions, "stop spooking him. I already spoke to your king and he agreed that he could stay as long as he didn't cause any trouble". The lions went back to what they were doing but Kion could sense that they were still on edge. Then another cub about the same age as Kovu and Kion jumped on Kovu knocking him to the ground. Kion walked over and grabbed the cub by the tail and pulled it away as it was screaming and squirming trying to get away. Once Kion got the cub away from Kovu he let go and the cub turned around and looked at Kion then said "what was that for he is a danger to us and do you know who I am" "I know who you are you're the King's daughter Kiara. But guess what, I don't care I am not going to sit by and watch you pounce on my friend". Kion walked over to Kovu leaving Kiara shocked and speechless at what Kion just said, but then she said something she never should have. "Yeah, well, at least I'm not so weak I can't protect my kingdom". After she said it she regretted it immediately but it was too late, Kion turned around and his face showed nothing but anger. Then the ground began to shake, the air began to whip around them all, the water rose from the ground and formed a wave behind him, and fire began to spread around the cave. Kion's eyes had turned black and it was like he wasn't there then the king ran in and saw what was happening. Amaru and Arafa called in their strongest wielders, (that is what I am calling the animals that can control the elements), to try and stop him but no matter how hard they tried they couldn't stop his powers. Then Kovu stood in front of Kion and looked him in the eyes then without warning he leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Kion's eyes turned back to normal and everything stopped, the earth stopped shaking, the air calmed down, the water returned to the ground. and the fire went out. Everyone was so happy and relieved but then Kion collapsed to the ground unconscious. Kovu was so worried that he grabbed him and ran at full speed to Rafiki's tree. The mandrill came down and grabbed Kion and began to heal him. "He will be fine, his body was just too strained and needed to rest" "ok so that's good at least, Rafiki did you see what happened at Priderock" "yes I did and I imagine the whole Pridelands and Outlands did as well". Kovu looked afraid of something. If my mom saw that then she would try to change him to her advantage and make him a killer just like she tried to do to me. Kovu thought as he stared at Kion's unconscious body. Little did he know Zira had seen what happened and was already formulating a plan to get the person with that kind of power on her side and use them to kill Simba, Nala, and Kiara. And both Kovu and Zira knew someone had made a terrible mistake.

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