6. Exam Induced Courtyard Criers

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Sorry for the delay, one of my friends from out of state is visiting next week which is a very lovely surprise so I have been busy prepping and cleaning my apartment for her arrival! Louluvshazza had a Wattpad glitch that said the story was updated so I figured it was a sign to finish this chapter up...


Louis decided he was going to ambush Harry after abnormal psych on Friday. He felt horrible that Harry blamed himself for ruining the dinner, Beatrice had loved Harry so much and felt so bad that Harry was still beating himself that she had taken it upon herself to make him a special batch of bread.

Jay had left him early that morning with the advice to support Harry, but not force him to talk about anything until he was ready to. His mother had never led him wrong before so he decided to take her advice.

"Curly! Great to see your frog face again, Beatrice made this bread for you." Louis smiled aggressively offering the bag of bread to Harry.

"Thanks, Lou, but I still don't want to talk about it." Harry tried to push past Louis just as he sidestepped to prevent him from getting far.

"We're not going to talk about it, you're allowed to feel how you're feeling and it's not my place to tell you how to deal with it, just know I'm here if or when you want to. Anyway, I'm meeting Niall, Liam, and Zayn, and we're going to study in the courtyard." Louis was getting ready to cut his losses and walk away when Harry finally spoke up.

"Why the courtyard and not the library?"

"Oh, dear Harold, I'm so glad you asked. The plan is twofold, one: enjoy the last few days of nice autumn November weather before winter officially kicks off, and two," Louis raised his eyes in mischief, "exams are coming up..."

Realization washed over Harry.

"Oh my god! Of course you're that friend of Niall's!" Harry shook his head.

"Oh yes. Every year the four of us study in the courtyard during exam times and count how many students have exam-related breakdowns. Whenever we see someone have a breakdown we bring them some chocolate and give them a pep talk, then whoever counts the most wins. Usually, it's neck and neck for a while, and then Liam has his breakdown and Zayn spends the rest of the time comforting him, but it's all in good fun." Louis explained grinning widely.

"You're ridiculous Louis Tomlinson," Harry laughed shaking his head and rolling his eyes at the shorter boy in front of him.

"That's why you love me!" Louis threw his arms out spinning around, stopping when he saw the look on Harry's face.

"Ooo," Louis winced, "wrong choice of words. Rewind, retry, that is why you have continued to partake in platonic soulmate relations with me," Louis stuck his hand out offering it to Harry to shake.

"Oh my God, you're worse than me," Harry swatted Louis's hand down, "ok let's go."

✗ ✗ ✗

"I'll have to write Beatrice another thank you note," Harry remarked from his corner of the blanket.

"She'll love that," Louis looked up from his textbook, seeing Harry leaning back, eyes closed basking in the sun.

"I really didn't ruin everything?" Harry asked concentrating on rewriting his notes onto flashcards.

"Not a thing, they all loved you." Louis continued highlighting his own notes.

"What a beautiful moment. I love good communication, but I want FOOD!" Naill complained from his blanket, refusing to share with either pair of soulmates.

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