I care (Sorevi)

103 1 7

~Levi POV~

So the squad and I were recording a video. We were playing "bedwars" and I was on a team with Charli, Sora, Alex and Luca. Jade,Jaxx, Light, Zach and a random player were on the other team. Luca, Alex and Charli were dead, so it was just me and Sora. Both teams beds were broken, so it was pretty much a death match now.

Sora: So whats the plan Levi

Levi: the plan is we both knock them off the edge one by one

Sora: Ok...lets do it

Both me and Sora attacked the other team of squad members. One by one we attacked an managed to knock them off the edge of the world. We killed all the squad members, but the random turned out to be really hard to beat, and I kinda died too.


Levi: c'mon Sora, you can do it without me

Sora: uhhhhh maybe

Then I saw the random player type in the chat.

《In the chat》

Random: ha ha...you cant beat me, Drake probably would of done it better than you. He's so much better

Levi: Hey you cant talk to him like that

Random: who cares, he's nothing but a replacement...dont tell me you havent seen the amount of Sora hate groups ou there

《Out of chat》

Then Sora just stopped, he wasnt talking or moving...he was just standing there. Then the random took advantage and finally killed Sora.

《In the chat》

Random: you'll never be as good as Drake, YOU'RE AN EMBARASSMENT TO THE SQUAD

*Random leaves the game*

《Out of the chat》

Jaxx: Sora?

Charli: Sora? You there buddy?


Then Sora just left the call and tge video ended

Alex: Im not includeing that round in the video

Jade: Someone go check up on Sora

Levi: I'll go...

I left the call and went up to Sora's room. As I walked into it I saw his phone on his bed, and it was still on. Sora wasnt in his room, so I decided to take a little peek at his phone. I heard a door slam in the hallway, but I decided to check this out first. When I looked at the phone, I saw he googled "Sora hate pages" and it turns ou there were 37 results. I scrolled through the results and saw dozens of websites that leed to a Sora hateing group. He shouldnt have seen something like this. I read the comments of each one.


"Sora is so lame"

"He's not even funny"

"How could Alex replace Drake with such a looser"

"I hate Sora with all my heart"


●End of comments

I turned off his phone and went to go look for Sora. Probably the door that slammed may be him, So I went to go check (Sorry for grammar 😅😅😅). I went down the hall and headed towards the bathroom (the door that slammed). I knocked checking if anyone was inside.

Levi: hello? Anyone in there?

I couldnt get an answer, but I could here someone crying...and it sounded like Sora. The door was locked so I had to pick the lock. If your wondering how I know how to pick a lock, well lets say Charli gave me some lessons from picking the lock to Light's room. Once I was finally able to open the door, I saw Sora currled up in a corner with tears running down his face.

Levi: S-Sora...what wrong

Sora: *snif* No one likes me Levi...*hic* they all h-hate me

Levi: c'mon Sora, we dont all hate you, you have your friends

Sora: Really...well what about all the times Jade and Zach yelled at me wishing I was Drake

Sora: All the times Light and Alex teased me on how my jokes are'nt funny...

Levi: but Sora...


Levi: Sora, that was just a joke...

Sora: was it really a joke? Or do you acctually think having me in the squad is a mistake *snif* just like the rest of them...

Levi: Sora, I dont think having you as a squad member is a mistake....

Sora: then what do you think...huh

Levi: I think...having you as a squad member is the most amazing thing that has ever happened

Sora: And why is that?

Levi: because if you never came to the squad, I never would of met you. And then I wouldnt have gotten...feelings for you

Sora: what do you mean?

Levi: what Im saying is, I like you Sora, way more than a friend

Sora: you do?

Levi: mhhmmm

Sora: well, so do I, but I still feel bad about the hateing thing...

Levi: its ok Sora, next time someone like that talks to you, they're gonna have to deal with me

Sora: thanks Levi...

Then Sora just suddenly fell asleep. Its weird how he managed to fall asleep when he were both on the bathroom floor, but still I dont really care right now. Plus he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I picked him up and carried him out of the bathroom straight to his bed. I tucked him in with the blanlets and closed the door to his room. I probably should get some dinner now, so yeah....

                           The End

If Sora manages to see this (which might not really happen) I just want you to know that you're not gonna be as good as Drake. Your gonna be a better you. I love you and you're really special 💖💗💕💙

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