Chapter 2

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Entrance Exam Day!

Y/n's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm music playing, it was the Death Note theme song. I was still laying down when I turned it off.

I began to stretch letting out a satisfied groan.

I got up from my bed and headed toward the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

It was only then that I realized what day it was.

"Shit I gotta hurry!" I quickly put on my (clothing of your choice), my (shoes of your choice), and grabbed my phone.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen when I saw a note.

Had to go to UA early for Entrance Exam preparation. Please be there on time... We'll see you there!
₱Ø₱₴  & 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝒶

This was definitely written by my Pops and Eraser.

One, because only they would leave notes and not text messages. And two, only my Pops would take the time to sign his name like that.

I quickly made it out the door and sprinted to the nearest bus station.

I boarded the bus, sat down, and waited.

I'm excited. When Eraser and Pops told me what I was going to be doing, I couldn't help it, I was looking forward to it.

I mean it's a little harsh but future UA students should expect harshness.

Especially the ones who are gonna have Eraser as a teacher. I heard last year he expelled his entire class and didn't blink an eye.

The man is just brutal.

The bus came to a stop, I got off and started walking towards the school. I wonder about the people I would meet.

It was exciting to meet someone who wasn't a pro hero, or a cop.

The media knows of my existence of course. But I never got to do interviews or anything like that because my Pops and Eraser didn't want me in danger.

And I understand that, but it's getting boring.

I know once the media knows I'm going to school and being out in the open they'll be all over me, and I can't wait.

Suddenly, I heard yelling and it brought me out of my thoughts. I looked ahead of me and saw two boys. Talking? To each other.

"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire."

Seems like the blonde guy was mad at the green-haired guy. And he was, scared?

No, maybe nervous, when the blonde guy came his way.

The blonde guy walked away annoyed, while the green-haired guy stood there staring at him and the school.

He was about to start walking when he tripped over his own feet.

Luckily a girl with brown hair came to rescue him. They talked for a while, and then she left.

I decided to talk to him. "Hey, you alright?" The boy quickly looked my way. I must've pulled him out of his thoughts.

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