Chapter 5

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I'm not ready!

Y/n's Pov:

I quickly ran after Eraser, when I caught up I walked by his side. I saw All Might standing by the wall.

"Hello, young Y/n!"

Was he there the whole time? He turned to Eraser. "Eraser that was a rotten move."

Eraser stopped walking and looked at him.

"All Might. So you were watching. No talk shows today?" You can tell from a mile away Eraser's not a big fan of All Might.

"A rational deception.' That's cute, you're not exactly known for being lighthearted. I read your file. You expelled an entire class of freshman students."

So it's true. But why was this time different? What made this time different from the last?


All Might pointed at Eraser. "So that can only mean you see the same kind of potential in Young Midoriya that I do."

So they are connected somehow.

All might said it himself he sees potential. I wonder, if someone else had come in last place would he still say this?

"What is this about? It almost sounds like you've been in his corner the whole time."

Has he? It's not a stretch to think All Might was mentoring someone.

"Young Y/n what do you think of young Midoriya?" What do I think? I looked back at Midoriya who was staring at his broken finger.

"I do think he has potential but something about him makes me worried."

The two men just stood there, listening.

"I think him attending UA is gonna start something. I don't know what but it's gonna be big, and I'm a little scared to find out."

I hadn't realized until Eraser grabbed my hand, I was biting my nail, peeling the skin around it, and now it was bleeding.

I let a small sorry.

Eraser said something to All Might but I wasn't paying attention. I just kept looking at my nail.

When I'm thinking I tend to bite my nails.

I sometimes forgot about other things around me, and that's when I start peeling the skin.

I don't mean to though, it's just something I do.

Eraser started walking away from All Might and I followed. We made it back to the main building when he turned to me.

"Hizashi and I have to talk to you about something later. So come straight home after school." I nodded and he left.

That seemed pretty serious, I wonder what it will be about.

I quickly changed my clothes and made my way to recovery girls' office.

I wanted to check on Midoriya. When I got there, Recovery girl was healing him. "Hey, granny!"

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