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The daughter of King Minos 

Princesses of Crete 

Ariadne, is my name 

I was the real hero 

In defeating the Minotaur 

Theseus was a thief

He took all the credit 

They will tell you I was doe-eyed and Innocent 

I am taking this to court 

But a judge and jury wil not help my case 

They will tell you 

That I fell in love with him 

With stars in my eyes 

When his ship came to Crete I was young 

History was written by men and those whom survived 

Therefore ,I was seen as the doe eyed little helper 

According to history "I was just assistent to the real hero" 

We were supposed to get wed 

But he only took me as his lover 

One day we came to a Island named Naxos 

We went to sleep angry 

We used to never do that 

In the morning when I woke 

He was gone and so was his ship 

In that moment I was so Angry 

I called upon the greater good 

And in this moment 

I created a curse for 

Theseus and his line. 

Fairytale poetry.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora