Hamsa the amulet

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Once upon a time 

In ancient times when everything was covered

 in sand,  in acient Egypt. 

a powerfull amulet was made 

from the most priceless metals 

Shaped like a hand with rubins, 

Shapphires, emeralds, blue diamonds 

as a gift for a pharroas daugter 

Given for protection, love, blessing and faith

I guarded whomever wore me agianst the evil of the world  

When you wear me, you will never me the same 

She wore me like it was meant to be 

and I fell in love 

Right there on her neck 

Nestled against her heart 

I heard things I have never heard about before 

I felt things I have never felt before 

as the Egyptian kingdom fell 

I was removed from my home 

and taken to Rome 

Where I was used a pawn in a game 

Between Aliances  spending  thousndas of years

For centuries I have witnessed 

the rise and fall of countless countries

Kings, dynasties, monarchs,  

Everywhere, I see symbols of myself 

Calling me hand of Fatima 

Hand of Miriam 

Hand of Mary 

But all of these is wrong 

Only my one true love knows my name 

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